All Thriller, no filler
By chiliD322
Not a weak tune from beginning to end. (new remastered version in new 8 disc box set even better with bonus tracks)
By Trust and Us
Unsung Classic
By Gonzagatastic
I share the enthusiasm of the other reviewers. What differentiates this from the other pre-Buckingham albums is this one truly feels like Welch was owning the direction of the band, which coincidentally, ended up being the basis for the Nicks/Buckingham era. Listen with open ears to "Just Crazy Love" and you'll hear a track that easily could be placed on Rumours. What appeals to me personally is the Welch/Westin guitar duo. Welch was strained on the Heroes are Hard to Find album carrying the full guitar load, and was competing with Kirwin on the early albums Future Games and Bare Trees, a combination that Welch later admitted caused friction. Kirwin was a great guitarist, Welch would say, but didn't appreciate Welch's Jazzy/R&B roots. Welch once said Kirwin didn't like some of his 'notes' that he played. Penguin featured Westin for the first time, but Dave Walker was more of a distraction, and the band wasn't completely polished. One can only wonder how long this unit would have stayed together had Westin not slept with Fleetwood's wife. A few more albums like this and there may not have been the need to go find Buckingham. This has to be one of those top 10 classics no one talks about by bands that are huge. At least for me...
Under rated album
By stekev0
I don't believe this album had any hits but it was always a favorite of mine . Bob Welch got to shine "Hypnotized,Somebody and Miles Away". Good songs.
THANK YOU iTunes!!
By Jolie Lives
JL-It’s About Bloody Time!
Mystery to me
By Seven Cities Blues
Maybe the best album they have done , it was Mick’s fav for a long time,however because of in
Fighting (Westin guitar, had an affair with Fleetwood's wife ) along with a not a strong tour for this one caused them only to just keep loyal fAns like me happy at the time. I love Christine’s “why” Welch contributes some fm classics..
sound quality
By bernard_w
these middle period FM records that have finally seen the light day, from an MP# standpoint, need to be remastered. The sound is flat and less than dynamic as say, vinyl
Took long enough
By warbaby43
This and Penguin are their best. People were begging me to burn my discs because the couldn't find them here!
One of the best from the Mac
By Carrerg
Bob Welch really stands out with most of the songs that he wrote on this album and in my opinion the 2nd best album from the early days of Fleetwood Mac... The first for me was “Then Play On” with great blues from Peter Green... I do not see this album listed and request that iTunes please try to place it here with the rest of the early Fleetwood Mac albums...
When They Made Music
By Tedster17
The Bob Welsh years were their best music. The pop was that, popular music for the masses. Good for the team, after years of hard work they deserved to cash in.
Now iTunes, go get Bare Trees and Heroes Are Hard to Find!