Not the best album
By crexhayes
Not a good time for the band. By this time, both Lindsey and Stevie were gone. Just shortly after released they broke up. I do love Christine’s songs, especially “All Over Again.”
Highly underrated masterpiece
By CSells237
This album doesn't get the credit it deserves, despite the numerous Christine McVie songs that truely show off her amazing singing voice. I love putting this album on shuffle!
Poor Fleetwood Mac
By ianphlegm
Change is so hard for people. After Peter Green left, the band was finished - kaput. Mick and company made some fine music in the interim, then he roped in Buckingham-Nicks. A new set of fans see this version as the definitive band and when Buckingham, then Nicks left, the band was finished - kaput. Oh Well.
By DJ Ji$ Face
Seriously this is really bad. The spoken word/poem thing at the end is really awful. Oy veh, it's bad.
Not Rumours, but still a great album
By Yes Fan 90125
In one of the reviews here is says that Buckingham was replaced by Mason and Burnette. This is not accurate. He was replaced by Rick Vito and Burnette. Then after one album, Dave Mason replaced Vito. (All the rest of this info can be found on Wikipedia.) But, back to the album: there are some great songs on here. Christine McVie’s Sooner or Later is one of her best ever. Also, Blow by Blow and I Wonder Why, penned and with lead vocals and guitar by Mason are among the stronger songs in Mac history. (This guy is not in the RR HOF for no reason. And for those who don’t know, he rose to fame with Traffic, a band including Steve Winwood.) In any event, the backing vocals by Bekka Bramlett on Blow by Blow have got to be heard to be believed. Crazy good! In short, this album is not supposed to be any kind of follow up to Rumours, so please don’t take it as such. Just take it for what it is: a great album by some great, legendary musicians.
TIME - Highly underrated but an excellent album.
By TheRealJenniferCass
In my opinion, this is one of the better Fleetwood Mac albums.
The beauty of Fleetwood Mac as a band is that each album is as unique as its contributing members.
Fleetwood Mac, as a whole, and in parts, throughout their entire decades long progression as a band with all of the ups and downs, and line-up change-ups, (minus this one, plus that one, etc.) is that each album is unique having a distinctly "different" sound and feel, while carrying at its core the essence of the band.
I don’t understand why such negative reviews (now or then). This album is excellent. If the negative feedback is based solely on the lack of the presence of Stevie and Lindsey on this album, please let me remind you that Fleetwood Mac was a band (and a successful one at that) long before those two joined, and continued to be a band without them. (No offense to either one intended as I am a big fan of each/both).
This album has an entirely different vibe than previous albums that didn't include those two either (such as "Bare Trees" (which is one of my all-time favourite FM albums), “Mystery To Me,” (another excellent album) “Future Games,” “Then Play On” “Penguin” et cetera.) “Time” has more of a country feel then the typical blues or rock vibe that the majority do have, albeit some songs off of various albums which do include both Lindsey and Stephanie, do have that same “country feel” to them also.
Bekka Bramlett did a terrific job with her vocals on this album. Dave Mason and Billy Burnette were good also; however it is that core three, of Mick, John and Christine who carry this album from start to finish.
There really isn’t a song on this album that I dislike; however, my favourite tracks off of this album are, “Nothing Without You,” “Sooner or Later,” “Winds of Change,” “Blow By Blow,” “I Wonder Why,” and of course, “These Strange Times” is excellent as well.
I agree with WayneInSF (who provided an excellent review) – This truly is one of the better Fleetwood Mac albums. It is definitely a “must have” for any true Fleetwood Mac album collection.
(Wasted) Time
By masmah324
This album shouldn't even be under the name Fleetwood Mac. Besides a couple decent songs, this is just a complete waste of time and money, and the same goes for that disaster tour to support this album. I'm glad this lineup didn't last. Pour Chris and the rhythm section couldn't even save this. There really isn't anything in this album worth buying. I say listen before buying, but don't expect anything to surpass Rumours, Mirage, or even Behind The Mask.
Better than Imagined
By GrrBear69
As a fan from long before the Buckingham-Nicks merger, it didn't matter much to me that the 2 were gone, but my expectations were still low, sort of like entertaining a house guest who's stayed too long. Pleasant surprise, it was better than I imagined. Although Dave Mason is superfluous, Bekka Bramlett actually turned in the gem of the entire album with "Dreamin' the Dream" and all of Christine McVie's tunes are good quality -- "Hollywood" in particular. The problem is really that it seldom sounds like Fleetwood Mac even during the good bits. Mick Fleetwood phoned in his drum parts, and John McVie, while giving some beautiful bass lines, suffers from the uninspired mixing at the hands of Ken Allardyce. It's like eating cream of wheat. "Time" needs Lindsey, basically.
Not great, but not horrible.
By KilroyWasHere83
Christine McVie's songs, and Mick Fleetwood's vocals on "These Strange Times" are the saving grace of the album. McVie's "Hollywood (Some Other Kind Of Town), "Sooner or Later", and "Nights in Estoril" are all really solid songs. And "All Over Again" is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.
Mick finally gives us vocals on a song. And it's great. "These Strange Times" is haunting as hell. It's hands down the best song on the Album. just to let you know though, he doesn't sing.
Dave Mason is pretty good. He really brought something new to the table. His song "Blow By Blow" is probably the best non-McVie song on the album (aside from "These Strange Times")and "I Wonder Why" is a really great song too.
And last but not least: Bekka Bramlett and Billy Burnette are what makes the star count so low. (which is weird because I thought Billy was pretty good on the Behind The Mask album) The song "I got it In For you" is a pretty fun song, but it took me like 10 times listening to it the whole way through to get it to even begin to grow on me. and I liked Talkin' to my heart for a little while, but after listening to it about 30 times (and not in a row), I got bored of it very soon after.
Plus Bekka Bramlett CANNOT SING, she really can't. Her terrible raspy voice on the song "Nothing Without You, is so annoying, it's almost painful to listen to. The only song that her voice isn't completely unlistenable is in the song "Dreamin' The Dream" and even then it's still pretty bad. as for the song "Winds of Change", The voice may be somewhere in between the other two, I hold it in even lower regards than "Nothing Without You" Because it wasn't even written by her, or her parents like 'Nothing without You" was. Plus whoever this Kit Hain is, didn't even do that great of a job writing the song. I am convinced that Bekka's horrible singing voice is a Big reason that this album never went even went Gold.
If Bekka Bramlett were not on this album, and Stevie was, even if She wasn't, I garentee you the album would've made Gold if not Platinum.
Overall fairly decent album. It's not terrible, but it's not great either. In fact it actually one of their worse albums. Not THE worst though (That would be Penguin. I'd review that one too but iTunes has nothing Fleetwood Mac from Then Play On-Heroes Are Hard to Find). Bekka just kills it for me. Christine saves it, but not entirely.
4 stars for Mick & McVie.
3.7 Stars for Mason
2.35 Stars for Billy
and half a star For Bekka (and thats being generous).
Overall 2.75 stars.
Best songs: These Strange Times, Sooner or Later, Hollywood(SOKOT)
Worst song: Winds of Change, Nothing Wihout You
simply awful
By wil1iam
a fleetwood mac album without stevie and lindsey is like trying to bake a chocolate cake without any chocolate and flour.
not one cut on this album is worth a listen.