
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • O K, I'll start . . . .

    By bob bobblaw
    R I P. Dan Peek . . . . . .
  • If...

    By bowiefan59
    If you are only allowed to have three albums to listen to for the rest of your life....this is one of them.
  • what a great unknown album

    By Carolramus
    America's deep tracks are so much better than the mainstream hits. Another try and Old Man Took are classics. Getting busy in my folks Monte Carlo to this great album eeerrrr 8 track. My bad.
  • america

    By binglo
  • Their Best Hands Down!

    By politm
    I remember first listening to this gem. As a concept LP or simply a period piece it is great vacation to a bygone era. Simply an awesome disc
  • Of all the places to originally find this casette...

    By 54ar0n
    in the discount bin at the local Woolworth's when I was in Junior High School.(30 years ago) I had been familiar with the songs "Tin Man" and "Lonely People" from the radio but I hadn't yet started to collect my own music until I bought this casette. It became my all-time favorite casette and still is. Lucky for me, my car, a 2006 Hyundai Tiburon, has a casette player and I can still play in my car!! And to now know it is available on i-Tunes, makes it even better! If you ever get a chance to see an America show, do it, you will not be disappointed! Even without Dan Peak, Gerry and Dewey still can make every note come out as perfectly as they did when they first burst upon the scene!
  • 4th.....

    By Beechlady
    After a hiatus, America came back under the helm of Sir George Martin to conceive a brilliantly rich "concept" album. "Miniature" (in particular) shows the depth of the group's ability to stretch successfully and reach into other genres. Of course you have the hits "Tin Man" and "Lonely People", but take a listen to the beautiful "Old Man Took". You won't be disappointed.