The Earth revolves around the sun.
By 50174
This is an amazing album by an amazing band. I didn't really enjoy the excessive heaviness of Aeolian and similar albums, but this album manages to perfectly balance crushing guitars and screaming with calm, atmospheric breaks. I really like the new vocalist, and I think that his unique voice works perfectly with songs such as Firmament, Origin of Species, and Ptolemy Was Wrong. If you enjoy progressive metal, experimental metal, or other genres, this is a perfect band.
(Also, am I the only one who thinks that the singer sounds just like Matt Heafy (Trivium) when he's screaming?)
Buy this album - TODAY!
By mrgills
I don't even know where to start. This is an amazing album that has created a new genre of music. It's hard enough to get your adrenaline glands pumping, atmospheric enough to transport you to another place, mellow enough to allow your brain to think and process right before the tempo cranks up hammering you right between the eyes! I bought this on a whim and am so glad I did. I saw these guys play in Denver and let me tell you, not only do the bring their A game but they are the nicest dudes ever. Stop thinking and buy this album already - you'll not regret it. Oh, and save room for Anthropocentric - another must have!! And if you get the chance to see them live, jump all over it.
not bad
By metaldork
The music is ok. I prefer the older stuff. I do find i silly though that they attack christianity, and that from a band that had an album called precambrian. The precambrian explosion actually makes darwinian evo look stupid. You can fuss and philosophize all you want about religion but 1. whats so bad about God wanting to save humans and 2. how do you explain the old testament prophesies that Jesus fulfilled in recorded history? Good musicians but no backbone to their speculation and philosophy. Wasted words. Stick to writing music.
The basis of The Ocean is finally coming to fruition.
By Jack Kovatch
I'm an old school fan, and honestly felt worried that they aren't as "heavy and fast" with these last few albums as they used to be. I watched the video of Robin Staps' take on the whole album (song by song) prior to the release and was worried again. His two favorite songs were "Ptolemy Was Wrong" and "Epiphany" I believe. Pretty much piano and voice. This isn't MY Ocean!!! Well, it's Robin Staps band and his direction and how can you expect a "Collective" (which I thought was a cool idea) to really form an identity? How can you take a good thing and keep it pure? I don't know, but it sounds challenging. Ultimately, the line up they have and the song writing they produce is really gelling. I have quite a bit of respect for them after my concern. I get it now. They've tackled quite a massive undertaking by writing about such vast subjects such as time periods on Earth (Precambrian), physical models of the solar system and the core of Christianity (Heliocentric). And they deliver it in slick packing, etc, no less. They really put a full court press out on their latest albums. Their efforts to churn out "Albums" is so refreshing in an industry filled with fakes and one-hit-wonders. It's even got me to rethink my own beliefs in Christianity! I'm excited for Anthropocentric. I also tend to agree that "Ptolemy Was Wrong" and "Epiphany" are the best songs.
So I fully miss the old days of "The Collective" and loved the power of "Aeolian", but I also get their evolution. It's necessary for "The Ocean" to rise to their fullest potential. I've learned to 'trust' Robin Staps creative genius and love the issues he's tackling right now. He's doing it in such a wide sweeping and clear manner. Anyone who considers themselves 'religious' should give the content of this album serious thought. (With some headbanging along the way.) Personally, I hope we all drift away from 'religion' and focus more on 'spirituality'.
Best prog/post album ever!!!!!!!!
A pleasant surprise
By FuManShoes
I'm a bit surprised by the harsh critiques but I suppose it makes sense if those are coming from longtime Ocean fans displeased with the more melodic direction of Heliocentric. I'm not a longtime fan and prefer melodic metal to prog, so the accessiility of this album drew me in. There's some Old Man Gloom and Neurosis here but with a broader range of instrumentation. This album has me hooked and that says a lot with all the great post metal out there. Crank it up, give it a few spins and you'll probably come away impressed.
By Dimneld
I gave it three starts all for the song Firmament. Other then that song this album is weak. The music isn't bad but those vocals are absolutely horrid. I hope the follow up album is better.
absolutely.. not the ocean
By Killmitchengage
Almost everything I've come to love about The Ocean is gone. For those of us who have been with them since the release of their major albums you had come to love the heavy guitars, growling vocals, and just overall great metal sound they created. aeolian is hands down one of my favorite albums ever made, but that is obviously the high point in which I will be left at. It's sad to see so many bands these days who start out heavy, get their fan base, and then do something a little more "mainstream". Next thing you know Converge is going to be the next Creed, Job For a Cowboy will be Staind, and Coalesce will be the new Nickleback. This album leaves me with so much disappointment, when it came to me looking for another heavy and true metal album The Ocean used to be a sure bet, but now they're just another band with a "catchy" guitar sound and "singing" that really stands out in no way. *sigh*
good stuff
By Throwmyself
Catchy and rockin'. Def worth a listen.
5 stars, r u kidding me????????
By lp dude123
find some good music to listen to