Brothers of the Road - The Allman Brothers Band

Brothers of the Road

The Allman Brothers Band

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 1981-08-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10

  • ℗ 1995 Arista Records, Inc.


Title Artist Time
Brothers of the Road The Allman Brothers Band 4:00
Leavin' The Allman Brothers Band 3:51
Straight from the Heart The Allman Brothers Band 3:45
The Heat Is On The Allman Brothers Band 4:11
Maybe We Can Go Back to Yester The Allman Brothers Band 4:41
The Judgment The Allman Brothers Band 3:39
Two Rights The Allman Brothers Band 3:32
Never Knew How Much (I Needed The Allman Brothers Band 4:26
Things You Used to Do The Allman Brothers Band 3:44
I Beg of You The Allman Brothers Band 3:26


  • Brothers of The Road (1981)

    By Coe44
    Terrible album.
  • I

    By Daileydi
    I rew my
  • Typical example of record company influence in the recording process.

    By Der_Trommler
    As others have pointed out, there are a few decent tracks here, but nothing that stands up to "Brothers And Sisters" or "Idlewild South". Their two album stay at Arista is a classic example of record company malfeasence. Arista hired pop producers and tried to turn the ABB into The Doobie Brothers. The results are generously labelled "weak". Unless you are bound and determined to own everything the ABB recorded, you'd be best advised to steer clear of this one and it's predecessor, "Reach For The Sky".
  • Buy After You Have Purchased Everything Else

    By senor_blanco
    I have tried to give this album every chance of over the years. Listening to it for the last week with fresh ears has not changed my opinion. I am an Allmans homer. This is 80's muzak. Not a single song works for me. Cliche lyrics, mailed in music. At least they play it well although, no Jaimoe so the unique percussion interplay is gone. I bought it back in '81. It ruined me so much on the band, that I did not buy any new release from them (Hittin' The Note) until 2008. I really missed alot.
  • Pretty Solid, but not as good.

    By Uncle Elijah
    There are some decent songs on here such as Straight From The Heart, The Judgement, Never Knew How Much I Needed You, and I Beg Of You. It's really not a bad album it's pretty consistent and somewhat decent. The problem is that if you compare this to earlier stuff like their debut and filmore east it will make this album seem suckish but the album is ok in it's own.
  • "The Judgment" is a must have ABB song.

    By BrianTristan
    After 1980s "Reach For The Sky", 1981 saw the release of this album, "Brothers Of The Road" (both on the Arista Records label). Much like it's predecessor, this one is largely lighter fare, with the "wisdom" of the record company pushing the band in more of a pop music direction, and ultimately the bands demise. That is, until 1990's triumphant regrouping, with Warren and Woody in tow, for the "Seven Turns" album. On both of the Arista Records 1980's releases, "Reach For The Sky", and this one, "Brothers Of The Road" there is an ample amount of throw away material largely due to the fact it was made in a attempt to be accessible for radio airplay, which ultimately it really did not end up being anyhow. What was recorded on these two early 1980's releases, again largely guided by the hand of the record company's executives, is downright sinful. Without the addition of the 1990's and 2000's material to the The ABB catalogue, had "Reach For The Sky" and "Brothers Of The Road" been the swan song for the band, it would have been a cruel and lamentable ending of one of the finest rock bands to ever set foot on stage or a recording studio. Had the single "Straight from the Heart" been the last thing that was remembered about The ABB, the razing of the Arista Records offices, with the executives inside at time, would have been an acquittable charge by any jury of 12 ABB fans. In fact, medals may have been awarded to the perpetrators of such an act. Thankfully, the history of the band did not play out that way. There are a few songs on "Brothers Of The Road" that could be rerecorded and rearranged, and possibly made into proper ABB songs, such as "Never Knew How Much (I Needed You)", and "Things You Used To Do". Maybe. "Straight from the Heart" however, is certainly not one of them, it could have been included in the movie Flashdance, and is downright awful, even had it been on a Gregg Allman solo album. Two songs still certainly recognizable ABB stamped tunes, "Leavin' ", and "I Beg of You", suffer a bit from the production, but are still undoubtably in the vein of the bands previous work. The standout song on the album is "The Judgment". It is a fantastic ABB song that just could not be weighed down by heavy handed production, and oversight of Arista Records people, and is one the band could do a knock out version of today, live or in the studio. So, if you are looking to add to your ABB collection, "The Judgment" is the song from this album that is an absolute must have. Thankfully, with iTunes, it does not get lost due to the album being unavailable. Also with iTunes, you can preview the rest of the songs from "Brothers Of The Road", and make your own decisions if they are up to snuff for addition to your ABB collection.
  • Skip unless you're a die hard fan completing your ABB catalog!

    By banomassasrv
    This album along with Reach for the sky are lackluster efforts. Does not resemble the band that forged a new sound all their own in the late 60's early 70's. Not even Gregg's soulful voice can help bad songs and a group not excited about performing the below par material. This must have been what the record company wanted to do with the group because I can't imagine them wanting to cut this crap. Only reason I bought it was to have the missing two albums in my collection. I should have left the gap in the catalog, this does nothing but tarnish the rest of the great things they did.

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