Very Good Debut
By Nurk Twin
It's a shame that drugs, fighting and the untimely deaths of 2 key members took a heavy toll on this very talented band. Rarely do bands sound as good live as they do in the studio. The Allman Brothers did just that.
An important country rock album.
By johnnynycborntowin
The all man brothers gave birth to the sound and the attitude of the 1970s. Along with outlaw country this is what the 1970s sounded like. This is probably their best record. It’s got heavy guitars it’s got soul it’s got fantastic rhythm. Crank this record loud. A must have for hard rock and outlaw country fans. I’m a metal head and I live this band. One of the greats.
The Allman Brothers Band
By Seven Cities Blues
It has Dreams and Whipping Post .. nuff said
one of the BEST albums
No 1
By Sneezy Pickle-Pants
The best Allman Bro’s album