If these are the "greatest" remixes....
By Confu92
Then I don't know how horrible the "not greatest" are. So far the only song that actually sounds good is Anxiety, but the rest of them are serious dissapointments. For the most part, it sounds like the producers just took lyric segments and tried to put a dance-like tune to them with some completely different music in the background. Seriously, why does Broken Hearts Parade sound like a happy tropics song? And for some they'll throw in some random rapper to try and make them sound better, but it completely betrays all the GC stands for. It's getting 2 stars only because of the songs that AREN'T remixes
I would recommend this to someone who hasn't really heard GC ever before and are into the dance genre of music, but not to any longtime fans such as myself.
This cd is okay
By ToriBLK
I am a musician myself. I love good charlotte dont get me wrong and maybe they did it for fun but I only like a few tracks on this cd that i will be purchasing seperatly cause its not worth buying the whole album.
Does it really matter what everyone thinks?
By Holly Night
you guys who are dissing good charlotte on this album really need to calm down. sure this wasnt their best album but its fun to play around with remixes sometimes. just because this wasnt their absolute best work doesnt mean that it wasnt good and fun. sure this may sound like a biased oppinion because i am a huge GC fan but that doesnt mean that this is one of those "oh well that persons only saying that cuz he/she is a huge fan..." blah blah blah kind of review. i will admit that i was more impressed with all of their other albums but hey, you cant judge people on one little trip up. relax and enjoy the music guys.
Hell YES!!!
By cheese&cracker1luv
Everyone That gaeve it a 1 or 2 star is out of there F***ing mind! this CD wasn't made to be good first, it was made to keep their publicity up till a new cd comes out. And Two, it is awsome.
By FunnyNinjas
This is very bad, I do not know why they had to "remix" the songs.
Overall, very poor.
Can you say were done?
By Pkaz
They have never been great artists or musicians. But they wrote really catchy tunes. But this is a pathetic attempt of trying to make buck off fans; this was either done by they 're record company or them.
By twin12
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM THAT IT CAN BE BOUGHT AT BARNES AND NOBLE & STUFF :D IM not a big rap fan, but i can deal with it :P Anything with GC i will get, no joke, they've been with me since i was 9. I LOVE GC AND I WILL FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, NO DOUBT! THEY ARE MY BEST FRIEND, AND I CANT WAIT UNTIL THEIR NEW ALBUM THATS COMING OUT! Fan for LYFEE! love gc always<3 i love you joel youre my angel