So relatable
By jcj2001
Now just dance to it!
Okay, good experimentation
By V4DER7758
Eh, I see why this got Negative reviews. But still I mean it's constructed well.
Amazing Album All Around.
By Brandownage
All those whining about how it isn't "punk" enough need to quit being so confined to one specific genre, and branch out a bit. Look at the grand picture of what the album was trying to capture. I love how every song on this album has such a unique feel to it, from the upbeat sound of "Misery," to the vibe of being in the club with "Keep Your Hands off My Girl," to the dark despair of "All Black," to the electronic feel of "Victims of Love".... every song is individually different, and that's a good portion of what makes this album incredible. Buy it!
By Yamato Kamiya
Hello!! This album is incredible I have the physical CD copy of the album but hoo boy, this one takes the cake! All black is a great song that discusses many aspects of life that some people have trouble with. To be honest, the song really sends out a powerful message. Dance Floor Anthem is also an incredible song to dance and rock out to. There are a lot of incredible songs on the album but Keep Your Hands Off My Girl is amazing well... Next to Dance Floor Anthem, which ranks number 1. The songs send out important messages that really speak to you to make you see it good. This album speaks about how we are blinded by different things and this album sheds some light on why. Now there are some who disagree with me but the album is amazing hands down. I bought the album preowned for 5 dollars, totally worth the 5 bucks spent. Why pay 10 maybe even 15 bucks for the album when there is probably some place selling it for 5 bucks? Amazing album but on iTunes it is a bit overpriced due to some people selling it for 5 dollars.
Good Charlotte
By SooperDooperFunkyMunky
Technically it's alternative, not pop nor punk.
my favorite album by far
By ffflfpdpfpfpf
every single track is solid
By gin`s
By InFamOusHaZe
By ptemp123
Don't buy the whole album just buy the 4rth track
I don't want to be in love
The Best Yet
By S3aN 7887
Definitely the best GC album to date, followed by Cardiology, features the most favorited bonus track.
Never heard anything this great.