pretty dang cool
By lifeisgood_12
This video is not just cool, but meaningful. It feels like good charlotte has drifted away from punk and came to a soft and serious rock for this song. But I only gave it 4 stars as for it is not my favorite song.
By kencarroll
This is an awsome video for all u good charlotte fans. U got to add this to your colection today. Its also a little emotional :-)
awesome video
By munkime16
i love this song and video makes it even better. after u listen 2 this song should think about what their saying, ya this world is pretty screwed up @ times but everyone can do their part 2 make it better.
By mr boston
one of the deepest videos and songs, but where is hold on
We Believe in this Love
By GCBlink182
GOOD CHARLOTTE ROCKS!! Can't any better than this, except in the rest of GC's videos. GC ROX. Joel Madden Rox
5 stars!!!!!
By bloop12
This song is so awesome!!!!! The video is so awesome!!! buy it!! it is def. worth the $1.99!!!!! and then after you buy this video, buy the rest of GC's music!!!! DO IT!! NOW!!!
Great Video =)
By Mwilfred755
This is one of the best videos by Good Charlotte and the song has such deep meaning. So does the video. It's not the usual punk from them, but a much more serious band. This video is worth every penny!!
so awesome!
By cova...
Good charlotte has allways had great videos ,this one isn't a disappointment. I love how the back round has stuff going on related to the song. This is a video you have to get!