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Title Artist Time


  • Like a Pool; Shallow Up Front, But Deep In The End

    By Slick4hire
    The first few tracks of this album are a bit simplistic and have a synthesized feel, but almost has a sense of a themed record. However, when you get to Crooked Halo, it starts to change. This is a great tune with some raunchy, grunge laden riffs over a highly melodic tune. I am very fond of this song. Then we get to Butterfly. Everything from here and beyond is nothing short of spectacular. The sheer lonely feeling that comes from these last few songs makes for interesting listening. They go from lost to found, with "Vulgar Before Me" setting the tone and climaxing in the spectacular guitar solos in "Butterfly (Reprise)". This is not the catchiest album that Candlebox has put out, but is far and away my favorite by them.
  • Must buy!!

    By Call me Jesus
    Great album. Enough said.
  • Another example of bands who are reecognized and those who are not

    By WeHaveToGoBack!
    The album before this had like 35 reviews. What's with that? That's what happens in the music industry, some bands make great songs that the public become familiar with and spread it. This isn't an example of an album that has excellent songs but just hasn't been familiarized with yet. It's not a very good album at all and Candlebox's Far Behind beats all of these. But sometimes a band can make great music but they're just flat out not known by anybody. Or it could be like "Oh yeah I loved ____ 1993 and 1997 albums, all of my friends have listened to them. Wait they released an album in 1995?" Bands have to first make great music but second almost 'advertise' them in a way that thousands of people will hear and hopefully love it. Candlebox made an OK effort with Lucy but it's just going to be an album that almost no one would have heard of....or not.
  • its ok

    By Pizzle d
    this album is okay nothing more nothing less i would recommend the song lucy