Into the Sun - Candlebox

Into the Sun


  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2008-06-10
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 13

  • ℗ 2008 candlebox


Title Artist Time
Stand Candlebox 3:29
Bitches Brewin' Candlebox 3:36
Surrendering Candlebox 3:29
Into the Sun Candlebox 4:53
Underneath It All Candlebox 3:36
Miss You Candlebox 5:07
How Does It Feel Candlebox 3:57
A Kiss Before Dying Candlebox 3:27
Breathe Me In (Intro) Candlebox 3:19
Breathe Me In Candlebox 5:12
Lover Come Back to Me Candlebox 4:43
Consider Us Candlebox 4:09
The Answer Candlebox 6:37


  • Surprise

    By supatdog
    The band said they were dissappointed with this work. Let me tell them their ear is off. This could be their best work of all. Maybe not the super hit they have had but this album is low key awesome. every song pretty much rocks. The slow ones just as good if not better then the faster ones. I mean you need to give this a listen if you like rock music at all.
  • Top of the List!

    By sthobe
    This is one of the best pure ROCK albums of the 2000's!
  • Nearly good. Just a little generic.

    By BrianSwaldi
    This album, and this band, are nearly good enough on all acounts. I would describe this album with two words: "decent" and "generic." They've got occasionally decent vocals and decent hard-rock instrumentals. The guitar work is especially good on Miss You and Underneath It All. In fact, Miss You would be a keeper if it weren't for the weak vocals and even weaker lyrics. It's all pleasant, but just a touch generic. You just can't shake the feeling that it's not quite good enough. There's a 90's hard rock quality to them - which is occasionally a good thing. Songs like Brewin' and Stand are pretty good keepers. They are better when they go harder and stay away from the ballads. The rest of the time they sound too close to the band Live in both lyrics and vocals. The lyrics, particularly, were a lot like Live. A little belabored and existentally trippy/wordy in a pretentiously needless way. Speaking of pretentious. That album review at the top of the page was weak, albeit technically accurate. The dude clearly had knowledge of the technical side of music production, but he's one of those writers that is unaware of how he alienates the reader with esoteric references. You're not writing for musicians dude, you're writing for music fans. Don't talk to me about "downstroked riffs." Can't you write in a way that is more readily accessible? Although I gave the album a 3 star rating overall, most of this album isn't quite good enough to keep on my Ipod. There's just one good 3 star song in Stand and two 2 star songs in Brewin' and Underneath It All. The rest are throwaway 2 star songs that are too weak to keep.
  • Still my favorite

    By Slammie
    I bought this in 2008 when it was released and I STILL listen to it constantly. I love it!
  • Can't get enough

    By painNpunishment
    I been with these guys from day one and I can't get enough. Love it
  • Great CD

    By KYLE McClaskey
    This is one of my new faviorit CD's it is great!! Track 2,3,6 and 8 on are all must haves!

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