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Title Artist Time


  • candlebox rocks!

    By Aletia
    Great music that brings Great memories from the 90's! Candlebox is one of the greatest from that decade and their latest albums are awesome as well! I just love good music, what can I say?
  • Great stuff

    By phinsn98
    Alicecat... That sounds a bit personal and to be honest completely unwarranted. These guys have a great following, great music and one of the coolest group of guys I've ever met. Keep it up.
  • Great Set! Awesome Live!

    By CJ Caligiuri
    Everyone is entitled to an opinion (see Xanadu1), however wrong they may be. Kevin Martin is both, a great front man, and an even better singer than he was 15 years ago! Kevin is the lead man for The Gracious Few (along with guys from both Live and CBox), and if you see him perform "live", you'd be amazed with his stage presents! But...back to this release: if you are a fan of Kevin and CBox, and only knew 5 or 6 of their hits, this is for you!! I already have ALL of their albums, but may see if this release is remastered. If so, I'll buy it shortly. If you have the chance to see these guys, treat yourself, you really don't know what you're missing. Like I said, everyone is entitled to their opinion, even a hater like Xanadu1, but don't let someone with bad taste make you question this group. YOU give it a listen...sample the songs on an individual basis, and make up your OWN mind. You can thank me later! Kevin and CBox ROCK!
  • CandleBox

    By Un touchable
    Im not sure where the negativity comes from some folks about this band but i think they are great. Their self-titled album, if you grew up in the nineties, was somewhat of a staple in music at the time. If you heard “Far Behind” come on the radio you knew exactly who it was. If you didn’t, you still loved the song. I hear it play on the radio still today and love it just as much as i did 20 years ago. Great albums, great buy.
  • Label

    By Alicecat2
    This is another sign he needs to go away, when NO ONE wants you or to sign you and your an old man like you are Kevin Martin, hang it up and spare us all from you wasting space in the music world When you have to make up your own label to get your OLD REBOXED music out to be sold… YOUVE SOLD OUT so GET OUT