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Title Artist Time


  • Not Gackt's best but still very diverse and good.

    By Gary Lee Dixon the 3rd
    Forget the Japanese rockers Gackt is just as good a singer and performer than any person on the planet that can speak english, the review of this album represents the ignorance of Americans well.
  • Moon:Great album

    By /ryu/
    Gackt can give you that kind of music that fits with any moment. his slow songs arent dull and his fast songs arent too heavy. He creates a perfect balance.
  • Love the album!!!

    By animegirl2011
    His voice sultry. I can listen to it all the time. Gackt is also sooooo cute(kawaii).
  • Gackt for the win!

    By rabidpandaren
    This is one of my favorite albums of all time! I know that others may say it's bland and safe, but personally, I really like it. This is one of the few albums I own where I like every single track, "Doomsday" being my favorite. It may not push the envelope, but it serves its purpose as good j-rock.
  • another fantastic album

    By Maha Mari
    I highly recommend Fragrance and Memories....especially Fragrance ^_^ it's very smexy
  • Love it!

    By FloridaHeather
    I plan on buying the tracks off here as soon as I get some more money, but the album is incredible! Gackt has an amazing voice, and Fragrance is by far my favorite track! The power of his voice, and the music... its so...mmm...
  • What a beautiful music!

    By Concubine522
    Love this album. Beautiful...
  • A Journey

    By Bushidoka
    I have been a fan of Gackt's for about 2 years, and I have really enjoyed the often pensive, surreal style of his music. This album has a balance of those pensive ones, and "Happy-go-lucky" ones. As Gackt himself said, his albums are all part of a long story. This album does a good job at taking you on a journey. Through the happy and sad, the maddening and satisfying. In the end, it all comes together very nicely with the song "Memories".
  • Gackt~ <3

    By Lynndz
    I must say this album contains some of Gackt's best song. I'm beyond happy that the American i-tunes finally decided to add Gackt's music to it. Each song is simply wonderful and beautiful.
  • One of my favorite Gackt albums.

    By GiornoGiovanna
    Moon is a companion album to the movie Moon Child (which was co-written by and which starred Gackt). It almost sounds like a soundtrack in places and it's to great effect. I love the action-oriented guitar assaults of Lu;na, Speed Master and Death Wish and they're contrasted with Gackt's sexiest slow song ever: Fragrance. Dooms Day swings back and forth between loud and soft in a truly engaging way. For those of you who prefer Gackt at his most dramatic, this album is for you.