Still remains my Gackt favorite!
By Layne Chuu
With a very catchy melody and style, this song made me felt less sad over Gackt's departure from Malice Mizer. Plus if you've seen the music video, he looks like he came out of a video game!
By EAB1994
I love GACKT! Especially this song!
By aliciade
'nuff said.
Gotta love Gackt!
By Sasquatch Wookie
You'd never know, if you don't speak Japanese that is, that catchy, make-ya-wanna-dance "Vanilla" is actually a really, umm... perverted, for lack of a better word, song. My advice, if you are 13-years-old or younger, do not Google the lyrics. If you are older, Google them! It's a really upbeat song and the lyrics... well, perhaps I'm twisted, but I love them too. Not to mention that Gackt-sama is extremly shmexy to begin with, so him singing this song, I guarantee that you will fan-girl scream.
*fan-girl scream*
By roansasuke
this is the sexiest man in the world and i love him!!!!!!!!!
*fangirl scream*
Watch the music video
By Symbolkid
The music video has absolutely nothing to do with sex. But it's still really cool. If you get a chance, watch it.
Love this song
By CaptainShawnee
Gackt is probably one of the best J-rock/J-pop artists that iTunes actually has. I do think that they need to get more Japanese rock songs on here, as well as more from the Korean rap group Epik High.
Vanilla=Boring sex? I think not!
By savage antinous
Yes, yes, we all know that 'vanilla' is a term for everyday boring sex, but the way Gackt puts it, you'd never be able to tell.
What I'm saying is that this song is far from boring. The catchy beat and vocals make it irresistibly entertaining and fun. Gackt did a great job on this song.
Love it!
By Stickyrice94
This is my favorite song from Gackt!
By theredstocking
This is definitely my favorite song by Gackt. I listen to it all the time and all three versions are great. If you didn't like Gackt before now this song will change your mind! :]