Lost Angels - EP - GACKT

Lost Angels - EP


  • Genre: J-Pop
  • Release Date: 2009-06-24
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 6

  • ℗ 2009 DEARS


Title Artist Time
Lost Angels GACKT 6:35
No Reasona GACKT 4:23
Suddenly GACKT 5:32
Lost Angels (Instrumental) GACKT 6:34
No Reason (Instrumental) GACKT 4:23
Suddenly (Instrumental) GACKT 5:31


  • love gackt

    By mtc82
    what can i say gackt is amaizing. thanks itunes.
  • "Lost Angel" is right...

    By Sasquatch Wookie
    *Squee* Gackt, yet again, proves what an incredible man he is. Should I ever see him I'll be sure to ask how bad it hurt when he fell off his cloud in Heaven. His voice is passionate and helps convey emotions even to those who have no idea what he's saying. Also his range of sound is,(as far as I've seen), immense. Each of Gackt's albums/singles has a different feel, it's amazing how he does it. With numerous variations in tempo and rhythm there's a song for just about every mood. The instumentals, however, do dissapoint me, but only because I don't get to listen to his mesmerizing voice. In summary... totally awesome, must buy A.S.A.P. :D
  • *gasp*

    By Artemis Cheese
    *has heart attack*
  • Lost Angels

    By silove
    I'm so glad that iTunes finally updated all of Gackt's music!! This single is AMAZING. Lost Angels was an instant love, but No Reason and Suddenly are really catchy, too. Thank you for the wonderful music, Gackt!
  • A few more G treats

    By Jyassa
    Lost Angels is another good song full of classic GACKT drama. My only complaint for this song is that it seems to use a synthasized orchestra which makes it sound a little messy at times in a way you wouldn't get with a real orchestra, otherwise a great song. No Reason goes back to a strong rock style with a strong beat for a little headbanging. Finally is Suddenly, probably my favorite from this single. Its not quite a ballad because of the more up beat tempo and strong drums and guitars but it still has a kind of lyrical quality about it. It's hard to describe the sound of this one but it is a beautiful song worth listening to a few times at least.
  • Gackt is Life

    By Haruko
    This single is great. Already bought the Japanese Singles, but couldn't resist buying it again. Suddenly is my favorite! It just hits a certain spot for me. :)
  • YESSSSSSS! (pumps fist)

    By Yotsuba&
    Gackt is finally BACK! After so long, we finally get new music from one of the best voices in Japan! Awesome songs, awesome singer, great music!