Day Too Soon - EP - Sia

Day Too Soon - EP


  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2007-11-06
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 4

  • ℗ 2007 Monkey Puzzle Records Limited


Title Artist Time
Day Too Soon Sia 4:23
Buttons Sia 3:17
The Girl You Lost to Cocaine Sia 2:40
Day Too Soon (Mock & Toof Edit Sia 4:51


  • 😉

    By Grrrrfffreaaagghh
    My fav it Buttons but The video is very confusing
  • EP love it

    By saekomoh
    This is a must have I love it so much!
  • Day Too Soon

    By Justjuleslove
    so amazing thats i can say about it its different not like most things you hear these days
  • Buttons

    By agentkimpossible
    Very creative and nice beat
  • Four songs that are all great!

    By tyuig64
    Day Too Soon was one of my favorite songs from SPHRP, and this EP was exciting to see! All the songs are great! I love Sia! Call her weird or dumb or whatever the haters have said, but Sia is EXTREMELY talented! She is an amazing singer, and she doesn't completely change her voice with the "Music studio magic". Day Too Soon- A very mellow and relaxing song that really suits Sia's voice! The lyrics are also amazing! I'm playing this a lot! Buttons- A fun song that sounds clown-y and reminds me of the circus. Her voice sounds great here too! The video is creepy though! The Girl You Lost To Cocaine- Woo! This sia song is awesome, just like the others! The song is really fun to sing along to and i have this repeating over and over all the time! The video is pretty funny! Day Too Soon (Mock & Toof Edit)- Eh... It's okay... i don't like it too much after hearing the original. When it said EDIT i was expecting extra clips or something, not a remix! Maybe that's what through me. My least favorite on the EP. Don't buy this EP though, Buy the whole album SOME PEOPLE HAVE REAL PROBLEMS! All the songs on here are on SPHRP anyway! Unless you really REALLY like these four songs only AND you really really like this album artwork then i guess you can buy this :) GO SIA!
  • Great songs from an awesome album...

    By If_Only_You
    I got SPHRP a while ago, and I've been addicted ever since. This EP has some of LP's best songs, especially Day Too Soon. Soooo, if you enjoy this, then check out the full album!
  • O......M......G

    By LucyandJon
    this song is horrible. how can you people lisen to this ****** ****
  • NOBODY is better than this!

    By Ant:
    I love how all her songs have meening. I went 2 one of her concerts and it was so great she was down 2 earth. At least 10 ppl gave her something.
  • Great

    By XxLaNegritaxX
    I love this song, I heard it at work and I had to get it because it was so nice :-D
  • day too soon

    By rapun3el
    this is a superb album. it is worth the price if just for the title song. one of the sexiest voices around. rivals joe cocker for soul.