I’m not entirely sure what’s going on
By Loki forever
Even just watching the preview, I’m confused. Maddie does a good job at expressing her emotions through facial expressions, but I didn’t get all of the hand movements where she was touching her face, or when it looked like she was using her foot as a phone. Is it just really complex sign language that I don’t get?
By doglover🤩🤩😄
I thought “elastic heart “was weird. But this is stranger!🤷♀️
By Grrrrfffreaaagghh
For the bad reviews, I think Maddie was having a nightmare. That’s all.
By coffeebean1221
Good and I love love Maddie Ziegler💗 but why does sia make Maddie look like a lunatic?!
Weird but creative
By None of your business xyz
The girl in the video does weird stuff. It is very creative though. If you know what she is doing, TELL ME! I don't understands most of it. There are a few things I can make since of but not all.
Maddie Ziegler the Face
By ♨️Felia
She made millions of expressions in just 5 minutes, more than me my whole life. Love this girl
Genius disguised
By Fuzzygrower
Brilliance & creativity and expression of the human experience in all it's emotional draw, communicated succinctly in a riveting show of creativity. The song itself is very powerful. Makes for a strong powerful moving rollercoaster of an experience, as good art often does. Is this actually her looking 10 years old? I think the body suit adds to the drama but doesn't take away from the performance. Still genius.
By blackrose1356
I’m a recently new fan of Sia and, I don’t really watch Dance Moms much but, I liked the video. It’s a little repetitive in overall theme to the other Madie videos and very creepy but, that’s why I liked it. Sia’s different and, that’s what I love about her.
So cool
By ewickham
I love Maddie’s unique and original form of dance that is 100% outside of the box
By GirlyGirl10711
Maddie use to be a great dancer. This really ruins her talent.