Volta - Björk



  • Genre: Electronic
  • Release Date: 2007-05-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2007 Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States and Canada. All Rights Reser


Title Artist Time
Earth Intruders Björk 6:13
Wanderlust Björk 5:51
The Dull Flame of Desire Björk 7:30
Innocence Björk 4:06
I See Who You Are Björk 4:07
Vertebrae By Vertebrae Björk 5:03
Pneumonia Björk 5:14
Hope Björk 3:35
Declare Independence Björk 4:13
My Juvenile (Featuring Antony Björk featuring Antony Hegarty 4:03
Earth Intruders (Extended Mark Björk 4:26


  • Edited for iTunes

    By Philly Ed
    It should be noted that some of the iTunes tracks here are edited. Innocence (21 seconds), I See Who You Are (15 seconds), and Hope (27 seconds) all have their ambiant outro bridges cut off. Some other songs are just a few seconds. They don't hurt the songs any if you listen to them all by themselves, but the album tracks were origianlly designed to flow into each other with the sounds of harbors, rainfall, and machinery bridging the gap from one to the next. It's kind of a bummer to discover they were missing. I don't know if that is an error or deliberate, but I wish I could buy the original complete tracks instead. As for the album, it is underrated, but I can see why there is so much debate about it. I find half the tracks brilliant (Earth, Vertebrae, Declare) or really good (I See, Hope, Pneumonia), but others I can't listen to at all (Dull, Juvenile), or I vastly prefer the remix versions (Wanderlust - Ratatat, Innocence - Simian Mobile Disco). The horns are just odd enough here that you either love or hate them. I love them on Vertebrae and Pneumonia, hate them on Wanderlust. It is an album worth repeated listenings to get the infectious grooves, and then debate whether you like all the songs or not. Bjork albums challenge you and make you think about what you are listening to, and I like that.
  • 3 Stars: Messy and loud, yet still has some good songs

    By Piñata Magonia Poppy
    I still enjoyed it, but it was her most messiest and loudest album yet, and it seemed not to truly have an objective. Now, it was still enjoyable, it just felt a little more empty, given some of the songs stretched on for too long and didn’t do enough, as if they were half developed life-forms, trying to be something and make a certain point, but not really fully doing so as they intended. Lyrics repeated the same thing, one for seven minutes, but still it remained an empty vessel, not pushed any emotion forward like her previous efforts. Now, I will say, out of the albums I have heard by her in their entirety (currently being 5) that this album had my favorite subjects on it. I would say, while this album seemed to not really have an objective and just wandered, it also had three central themes. Love, wanderlust and politics. And I really enjoyed all of them that she had to talk about, it just seemed lifeless and needed a little more flair. I honestly think she could’ve just threw this album out, and waited until Biophilia to make her comeback, as that one had more of a point and solid support of an idea. But this one still had enjoyable songs, ones such as Earth Intruders, Wanderlust. Now, I don’t have the worst things to say about this album. Please don’t take this as an entirely negative review. I just don’t know what Bjork was trying to prove with this album. It really wandered but it is still an interesting era within her music. I wouldn’t really recommend this album, only just the first two songs, and maybe the last one with “The Conscience”. The song before that one “Declare Independence”, kind of sums up how the whole album was. I think if you’ve heard that one, you’ve heard it all. And I’ll say it again, Volta repeated themes and words, but not having the driving force behind it called depth. That is this albums main issue. I would’ve liked it more if there was more depth and less surface noise and shock trying to make up for it, but still, Wanderlust is on the list of my favorites from her, and Earth Intruders is very interesting to with those weird bog bubbling sounds in the beginning. As an album though, just needs more development. That’s all. This album is also just too beat up by many. It ain’t that bad. Fin.
  • Underrated

    By Still awesome!
    First: I can't believe Björk released this through Atlantic Records! I mean they're like for Pop artist! Second: From what I've heard this record isn't as bad as critics make it out to be. She's Björk for crying out loud! This sounds like Björk just being EXTREMELY experimental. Like she always is. Björk is by far the artist I respect the most. Volta is definitely underrated and not seen for its good.

    By Marry the night the night
  • Excellent...

    By Johncroix70
    I have followed Bjork for decades, and one of the issues that I have always had is that there always seemed to be an album missing between "Post" and Homogenic" (the change was so drastic). Then, finally, "Volta" was released. What I like best about this album is that it brings us back to some of the original Bjork sounds. She still manages to challenge the standards of normal music, and this album is one of her most ambitious works. Combining a wide variety of musical sources, the end result is just as original as "Medulla", but is, in a way, even more entertaining to listen to.
  • A must-have for every Bjork fan

    By russian ink
    I just recently started listening to Bjork and bought an album of hers for the first time in January. Since then I listen to her more than almost any other artist on my iPod. Her creativity is unmatched and the way she breaks up lyrics and words to match the harmony of her songs is incredible. In the last few months I have bought all of her albums. Volta was the last to add to the collection, because I wasn't sure I liked it. I listened to the samples a million times but finally bought it. It truly is a must-have for every Bjork fan. It is more "mainstream" than her other albums but it does not stray from her creative genius. Songs like Independent are inspiring and Earth Intruders is just fun. If you love Bjork, just buy it and give it a try. You won't be sorry.
  • Feeling!

    By CPT_rhrrs2
    Looooooooove this track. You can actually feel the words of this song. Never felt anything like that before.
  • Awesome

    By Kidzzy
    I was a bit disappointed at medulla but voltra is really good! Love "earth intruders"!!
  • <3

    By Twitter@plasticgrasp
    Love this album!!!!! Declare independence is perhaps my all time fav bjork song. Love how it captures that feeling of being tied down and the will the be free.
  • Voltaic

    By pokora05
    I love volta, is colorfull, creative and fun. Björk is the best... :)