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  • 4.5 Stars: Amazing!

    By Piñata Magonia Poppy
    This is the first full length album I have listened to by her, and while Homogenic one-upped it, this album is still an experience that should be embarked on. Bjork’s soundscape is so wide and ever-reaching on this one, and while it is more quieter than Homogenic, this album consisting largely of human voice as it’s sound and concept, it doesn’t dull it. In fact, it just makes it even more comfortable yet daring. This album itself is a daring idea, and a daring action taken to release it, and I applaud Bjork for that artistic bravery, because this album is something truly unique! While this album has just a few flaws because it is made more so by human voice, it is still something that is marked by melody, even more so than albums that have instrumentation entirely throughout. This album spoke melody, let’s put that in italics. The human voice reminded me of oral tradition, and it brought me back to a base, a genesis at the center of the soul. You can call me a pretentious art freak who loves pretentious artsy fartsy music, but this album is not that hard to understand, or to bring forth a claim from you to be art. Just listen closely, and dive deeper with this one. Her voice, when it shouts and goes quiet and whispery, I think, is not without reason. It is an expression and the stylistic choice of this album further brings it forward. Some parts of the album felt detached, and the entire idea that is Medulla might not be cohesive, but I don’t think that’s the point. This album and its idea of hardly any instrumentals speaks of beginnings, without even having to say it is so, and that is what I love about it. Not having to say exactly what it feels through words or diction, just showing you through immersive melodies, as mostly what this album expresses (I think) cannot be summed up in words. Fin.
  • Another Masterpiece By Björk~!

    By Klonoa65
    This was certainly a different take for the Icelandic singer, but Björk as always delivered her best! From beginning to end, you feel like you’re being taken on an adventure. Whether it be the blissful electronic beats of Desired Constellation, the flowing underwater melodies of Oceania, or even the upbeat yet mysterious vocals of Triumph Of A Heart. When Björk harmonizes with herself, it truly is an absolute pleasure. Songs like Öll Birtan, Miðvikudags, Vökuró, Pleasure Is All Mine and Ancestors I feel are the tracks that show what Björk can really do because each of these songs are masterly put together all having wonderful vocals. If you decide to buy this album, be sure you’re familiar with Björk because this album will leave you kind of bewildered and confused due to this album being quite the unique acapella. This is much more than just some obscure experimental album, each track included will give you an experience you’ll truly enjoy~! (My first review, sorry if it’s kind of sucky ^_^”)
  • Deeper than Vespertine

    By Music,Rhythm,Lover
    I full heartedly love this album. However, just like with Vespertine. It's not something that you just shuffle into your everyday mix. One has to be in a much deeper state to listen to this.

    By orngelazermeltu
    I dont like it.
  • Unique does not even begin to describe this.

    By Johncroix70
    Here's the thing; for most of the world out there, and for about half of the dedicated Bjork fans, this album is way too strange. I, however, love it. The songs are so original, even when pushing the limits of the structure of music, that it really grows on you. My only reason for not giving "Medulla" 5 stars is for the simple reason that there is not any standout song; however, the entire feel and flow is completely, and utterly, unique.
  • Unlistenable garbage

    By Alan Keith Carver
    I like Björk. She’s cute, and Human Behavior was a pretty cool video, but I cannot imagine wanting to know anyone who would listen to this crap more than once. Absolutely horrible, and not in a MacArthur Park kind of way, more like a vomit on your shoes kind of way. At least I won’t have to worry about any of the “songs” getting stuck in my head. Stay away from this atonal nonsense. iTunes won’t let me give it the zero stars it so richly deserves.
  • Not her best

    By Kidzzy
    I only liked 2 songs "Oceania"and "mouths cradle" I liked her other stuff such as "army of me" and "human behavior". Stell@:Don't insult lady gaga she is talented and awesome!
  • Original

    By XaviHumacaoPR
    It's a shame that only 2 singles and 1 promo were releases.
  • Pure art

    By Stella126
    I'm so sick of BS singers like Lady Gaga calling themselves "performance artists" and I'm tired of people saying she's "daring" and "unique" You want daring? You want unique? BJÖRK IS YOUR GIRL. All of her albums sound different, not the same old poppy synth crap Gaga and the rest of them churn out.
  • Bjork's albums never disappoint me

    By LiquidSmokey
    There's something about her and her voice that seems so angelic and elf-like at the same time. My favorite song would have to be "Where is the Line ?" Having Mike Patton (lead singer of Faith No More) as a guest on that song was pure genius. Using his vocal range to produce his own beats was quite astounding. Bjork's albums seem to never grow old for me. I can keep listening to every album/ single and never get bored with it.