Live bjork
By FVC89
She is so underrated what's up with that?
By mm,mm,good
OK!!! Hearing the same things over & over is BORING!!!! But Bjork keeps it fresh!!!
Hmmm, I dunno....
By dogeymon
The melody is kind of incessant. And a bit too experimental, even for her. Furthermore, what is with the lyrical content??? .....sounds kind of "anti-human" or something. Who knows what this woman is thinking half the time?
This reminds me of something...
By tyuig64
This song and video are great and they seem to be a bit of a tribute to some of her past work. Who listens to this song and doesn't hear a bit of the elements from Pluto in it? Or who doesn't hear the brilliance from Cvalda returning here? It is a very Bjork song. As for the video, It is really pretty good. Its interesting and shows that you don't have to be like Britney to make a good video. However, the video gets minus one star because it cut out my favorite part (The steamroller line). Oh well. It is still a must have for any Bjork fan!
PS- To the Bjork haters, I know she doesn't sound like Kelly Clarkson or Britney Spears, but Bjork is amazing. She ventures out into musical territories that have never been touched before and seems to be able to pull off every style of music she tries. She is NOT retarted. In fact, she is really talanted. Who could make an album that is completely a capella written all by herself? Not any of the top ten artists of today I don't think!
PSS- I got Selmasongs in the mail today and its great!
amazing song and amazing video
By maryabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Very artistic, amazing.
By Voldrik
this music video is a great compliment to an already amazing song! ive watched the video and listened to the song over and over, and every time its new and fresh. great job!
Bjork continues to reinvent herself
By G0rdo
Rarely allowing herself to redo or recall past styles, Björk continues to reinvent sound, as music. I was fortunate enough to fly to NYC to see her perform live at Madison Square Garden in Sept. of ‘07(a birthday gift from my wife! Wow, Thanks honey!). I have listened to her music since the 80's and the concert was energizing, exciting, thrilling; all at once. She introduced a wild table-top synthesizer this year, which looks like an air-hockey table at first glance with strangely shaped paddles. Moving and twisting these paddle-knobs generates melodic octaves, wave-lengths, and pitches all displayed on a large screen, overhead, for the audience. Her style is one where you have to breath deep, let go, and be the music, to really appreciate it.
By awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I love the song and the video actually explains that humans are tearing down the earth and not replanting or recycling any thing! go green!!