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Title Artist Time


  • Find Perry

    By Tealkat44
    Go home kid. The talent is still out thereā€¦.
  • Had the cassette

    By AugustWest62
    In my truck in high school. This, along with AC/DC Powerage, UFO Lights Out, The Cars first album, Hagar Musical Chairs, Tom Petty and the HB's first album, etc. Takes me back.
  • Not too shabby....

    Sure--- a few stinkers, but overall a great LP.
  • 2 different bands

    By Hitdog24
    i grew up with steve perrys Journey and loved them.. i only discovered these original lineup albums recently and GOOD GOD what have i been missing ?? This is the kind of music i get out of bed for.. my production at work has doubled since i have been blasting these early albums on my playlists.. Steve Perry Journey put out some great music and i wont take that away from them but this and their self titled first album are hands down some of the best rock cd's i own...
  • When journey Rocked

    By Wishfulthinking2
    Bought the album when it first came out. It sounds just as good today as it did back then. The journey with Perry is just pure bubblegum. This album is when they Rocked out.
  • Why Not Both?

    By Super really awesome epicness
    I think a mistake many people in the 2 seperate Journey camps make is assuming that you can not simply love both bands, just differently. Perry and Rolie are both good singers in their own ways, in the conventional way Perry may be the better singer, but his voice with its remarkable range is better for belting out Arena Rock Gold. That is fine, but he could not pull off Progressive rock vocals like Rolie can. The genre doesnt demand a huge range, it demands a breathy, ethereal tone that fits the genres style of music, which is a type of voice that Rolie has in bundles, could Rolie sing Perry era songs, probably not. Each of the 2 singers sounds very talented and well suited to his respective genre. Now to this album in particular. It represents a new direction in the Rolie era. They were making a commercially viable strand of Progressive Rock, perfectly mixing art and hooks. Unlike Perry era songs which, despite the continued talent of the musicians, were primarily carried by the vocals, this album blends vocals with all the other instruments. Schon's guitar is just as an important part. The singers keyboards show much, the drumming is superb, and the bass, as per the Valory usual, is spot on. Vocals are just one of the many instruments, and it suits the album well. It mixes perfectly Hard Rock and Prog Rock, nobody thinks they are selling out, but they can still move units. This album is a must have.
  • The old Journey with Steve Perry rocks!

    By Gina bina 456
    I find it odd to hear that Perry wouldn't be the favored singer...he made Journey with his great vocals. No one can carry a tune close to his and the proof is on the radio now. They play mostly Perry songs because that's what people want to hear. I saw the new Journey in concert and was disappointed by the singer's poor vocals. Oh well.
  • The band that Steve Perry killed....

    By OldAxeMan
    Look into the Future was the second of 2 and a half extrodinary albums of progressive, expansive, cutting edge music released by a group of musicians who got their pedigrees at an early age with differing artists. Greg Rollie and Neal Schon spent their youth with no less than Carlos Santana, Ross Valory cut his teeth with the Steve Miller band, and Ansley Dunbar was a sought after studio drummer who also toured with David Bowie in his hayday. Thet met as a group and formed in San Francisco, but formed an allegiance with Detroit early on because of the warm reception they recieved at some very early shows in their careers by the discerning but appreciative Detroit rock n' roll affecianados. To some, including myself, with the first 2 albums they had ventured into almost mythical status with their incredible musicianship and dedication to making music that was pure and from the soul. It's easy to get lost in the amazing guitar gymnastics of Neal Schon and sometimes haunting vocals of Gregg Rollie, but one should take time to fully appreciate the equally fine work displayed by Ross Valory and the driving force of Ansley Dunbar. Journey made all of the people who wished bands like Yes would occaisionally break-out and play some harder edge material very, very happy. Journey set out to prove progressive rock n' roll could satisfy even hard core rock fans, and succeded with a bang. Any rock fan who appreciates music for the music and not the trappings you owe it to yourself to listen to Journeys first 2 LP's, they were ahead of their time then and their still a glimpse of what music can be when done right.
  • Released in 73...no

    By ZappaArf
    Then it took you six years to graduate. Because this awesome record was released in 76. Stop doing drugs.
  • Journey at their best

    By MMCM
    Listened to this album in high school in a red 59 Chevy. Says it was released in 1976, but I graduated in 73.