My High School Years!
By jpilo
The very best
By SewZQ
All of these iTunes Journey albums have neen remastered with Arnel, nowhere does it state that and this is misrepresentation! I am angry!!!! Unacceptable if I wanted Journey with Arnel I would by the new stuff! I wanted Steve Perry. I want my money back and "Journey Official" and iTunes need to let the public know thesehave been remasterd with Arnel's voice
Steve Perry #1 Vocalist of all time
By cmssdme
No singer will ever be as great as Steve Perry!!!Journey is the best band of the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and today!
Awesome music
By Cyntnia88888
Awesome music great voice
Journey with Steve Perry
By skyangl55
As one song asks Why can't this night go on forever,I was crushed when Perry left,I wish he was still there with them instead of Arnel but I guess all good things must come to an end,I have early Journey without Steve and everything with him and will never buy another Journey album without his velvet pipes.I also love how Somethin to Hide effortlessly goes into Winds of March without skipping a beat and I'm so happy that they finally got inducted and Steve was in attendance to get what they deserved for each and every song written by Perry/Schoan and the rest of the original members. I hope to be listening to my Journey collection until I'm 82 lol 20 yrs to go !!!!!!
Nothing's Beats Classic Journey!
By Peeps Widow
Steve and Greg's harmonies are amazing and I love the older albums so much!
Why not a remastered version?
By +++Why a nickname?
Great album.. Best they did by far. Why not remaster this classic? Don't update it....just enhance it.
Classic Journey
By Gibding
Love this album.... A Journey fan favorite
Reality Check
By ZappaArf
Ok y'all... Listen up. There are two groups of people that review this album. 1) the pre Steve Perry Journey fan and 2) and the Steve Perry Journey fan. I will break down both quickly.
For the Pre Perry fan:
This album blows. It is how the prog rock journey that this original Ben set out to be. There are moments in this album that have that feel to it, but it's not the "original" journey. Rolie is great and of course Neal Shon is great. Take away that and that only. Rely on the fact that Journey changed gears bad will never be the same and that the original journey is 100 times better than the new. You win.
For the Steve Perry Journey fan:
This is the holy grail of Journey albums. This album showed where the band was heading. It's the origins of the Journey that everyone knows. So get it, it's classic.
By 58b85
While I did like the band progression throughout the years, I still come back to the Greg Rollie written songs. Feeling That Way and Anytime are my favorites on this album. Just the Same Way rounds out my favorite Journey songs and all were written and sung by Greg Rollie. Does this mean I dislike Steve Perry? No, I just liked the way Rollie sang and had written his songs and I think that his influence would have still made Journey grow into a big band.