Livestream Experience
By Disgrace to music
Phenomenal work as always from TØP
By javan wilard
Some of these combos… HEATHENS AND TREES!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!? Possibly the worst combo they could’ve picked. In the other combos, like the Saturday one, you can’t even notice level of concern, ride or car radio.
Pretty Good
By wickfam5
I have been wanting the boys to release the livestream for a while. The songs are great and i like how they mixed it different so that I can hear the drums, guitar and other instruments better. I do not like how they added autotune to tylers voice in some parts. I had previously bought scaled and icy and level of concern. I was dissapointed to see that shy away and level of concern showed up as already purchased but the rest of scaled and icy didn't. I had also purchased shy away livestream version as a single and id didn't show up as previously purchased. But overall a great album!
Twenty One Pilots ||-//
By Don't starve:)
Thanks Tyler and josh, I always look forward to seeing what you guys do next, this livestream was amazing to watch, you are both very talented. I’m glad that I can now listen to it on iTunes. However I bought Scaled and Icy already and It would have been nice if you guys just released the live versions only but it’s fine.
This made me so happy!
By Papicholo1997
||-// for life
By Froghopper33333
Implementing their legendary livestream of Scaled and Icy into a “Deluxe” version of the album is awesome. I was always love hearing them play their songs from a different angle. Great job as alway boys. |-/
By twentysickpilots
yes yes very good 🌝🌝