Stuck in my head it is so catchy
By Plenger
Amazing song!
By Nakao123
Very good, pretty unique. One of my favorite ones in the album so far. The music video is very enigmatic and I LOVE IT. It’s intriguing.
By LeaderoftheLosers
A masterpiece ||-//
whole concept is very cool
By I<3 FOB
the whole dema website and story they’ve created it just so immersive and i’m super excited to see part three when it comes out. Thank you to the boys and the director Andrew, Mark, and anyone else who’s helping them behind the scenes to get us this amazing music and stunning videos. Can’t wait for October 5th to get here, wish you the best guys.
I had it to get it 😍
By Vera Leckie
My little brothers and little cousin can't stop watching the new videos. And sometimes I don't have internet so now they can watch it anytime ❤️ (Of course I love them to!)
First Review!!
By buzz lightyea
First I have to say this is a great music video and TOP has done a great job over the years with their music