Stick to Music, NOT POLITICS
By KyJerseygirl
Hey JB... Your music is what we come for, not your politics. Like Bruce... stick to what made you famous: MUSIC.
By Kelektra75
No, this isn’t the albums from the 80’s or 90’s for sure so I don’t expect to Bon Jovi to be making another edition of the Slippery When Wet album. This is a very versales album but Jon is the best at what he does, he delivers. I bet the people rating this albums with one star are the righties, leave that aside. 40 years in business says enough!
By denriches
Entertainers should be like Elvis-and keep your political views to yourselves..
By Rattmadness007
Bought album hoping for some hidden gems.
I’m 53 and don’t need a Political lesson every song; sorry Jon , back to drawing board
Blood in Water is well done
A great album. No criticism here!
By *~*Deborah*~*
I have been following Bon Jovi since 1985! I’m originally from the U.K. The first time I saw Bon Jovi in concert was at the 1987 Monsters of Rock festival held at Castle Donington in the U.K.
I was so excited and happy to share the experience with thousands of other Bon Jovi fans and the band itself. For the last 20 years I’ve been living in the U.S.A. I took U.S. Citizenship in Charlottesville Virginia in 2016. So, from different places and different countries (over the time I’ve been a loyal fan), I’ve loved ALL the albums/songs/music that been created by every member of Bon Jovi. This album is a natural progression of Jon Bon Jovi, himself. He’s now 61/62 years and very much involved with political issues at the very root of social welfare. He cares for the lost, the broken, and starving people, where he can. I imagine that his wealth hasn’t shielded him for the view of people suffering and alone in the world. Therefore; It’s natural that he sings from his heart & soul’s moral compass. In the case of this album, I’m glad he’s using his own platform to draw attention to the plight of other people less fortunate than he’s been, over the years. It’s heart warming to see Mrs. Dorothea BJ & Mr. Jon BJ stand up for the rights of others, and at least try their best to feed the people, especially when people can’t afford to pay for themselves. The United States of America is becoming a nation of people needing help to feed themselves and their families. Food shortages are at the very worst, and let’s not forget that there are many MANY very rich people who don’t even try to help the much less fortunate out of poverty and homelessness. What Mrs. Dorothea Bongiovi and JBJ have achieved is nothing less than a miracle for those of us in need. Think before you post a review about the lyrics being politically motivated. Someone has to use their platforms to help others. I’m very proud of Mrs. Dorothea Bongiovi for having the courage and determination to make a difference with her hubby’s & their family’s help. Listen to the lyrics and be inspired by JBJ’s words. And make a positive contribution to the world today. It’s very much appreciated and thankful for.
Woke Hot Dumpster Water
By MoJoman74
Not the band you fell in love with. Don’t need to be preached at by a multi millionaire about how bad America is. The America that gave him everything
Um, what?
By Chinesemuchacho
If I wanted a sappy country album, I would pick up (insert sappy country artist here)
By Lala3!
I have been a fan of for years. This will be the first tour I have missed in 30 years. After previewing this album, i am so relieved i have not purchased tickets. Get out of politics and back into music….
Makes me feel sad and old
By Whackjo
My whole life since my pre-teen years Bon Jovi has been my favorite. Inspiring songs of friendship and love and conviction. Being from nj myself made me feel even more connected to them. At one point with albums like The Circle, which I do like, I started getting the sense of disappointment because they were starting to sound over produced and the songs were over thought when writing. Beginning with Richie’s last contribution to the band What About Now, their sound and quality has taken a major hit. And, unfortunately, since his departure Jon’s voice is just gone. Figuratively and literally. A band that used to make me feel energized and hopeful now makes me feel sad, old and like my youthfulness has disappeared along with this band’s hey day. Sorry but I do believe it’s time for them to bow out before they become more of a laughing stock.
Get out of politics.
By Peppercheck
Why Jon Bon Jovi? Get Sambora back and stick to rock and roll.Politics has no place in Rock. Trump 2024