By iron maiden3
This album leaves off She Don’t Know Me, In & Out Of Love & a
Couple more that are much better than the new stuff & they are actually hits from the 80’s!
Love it!
By True3
Bon Jovi, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, …..when music was music! Times I deeply miss. When “classic rock” was just everyday rock music on the radio no “classic”needed. And your favorite music was represented by a large collection of Vinyl Records on a shelf that spanned decades. Back then starting your car included the happy sounds of rattling keys in the ignition, revving your engine with the soft clicking sounds of plastic on plastic while searching for the right cassette case or tape that when found was followed by a victoriously smooth popping sound that confirmed your insertion into the cassette player as you pulled out into the days busy traffic.
Cant download
By Vstar1601
I’ve purchased it but can’t download it
Love it
By IamInigoMontoya
I love that it’s not the same stuff over and over again