By hi123abc456
this is one of my favorite songs of daughtry. keep up the great work guys!
Daughtry's is amazing & hot!!!!!!
By Blueeydbbydoll27
Daughtry is 1 of those bands u can't get enough of! He should no longer be considered an American Idol. He has shown through his music and # 1 hits he has what it takes 2 be a true muscian and a great band of all time!!! Daughtry didn't need idol to become what he is today!!!!! He's totally HOT & BUFF WHAT A BOD!!! :)
By Hopgchhddfbhffhjjgggdewqqssdfghvccvbv
No suprise it is awesome
By Weltzy
Daughtry is 1 of those bands that just show us more and more of what a good band should sound like
Mainstream Rock
By IONCannon82
It all sounds the same. Do you people really like to the same sound over and over again? I know i sure dont.
what an awsome video
By awsome videos thats what i listen to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is one awsome video and song no suprise is the song and video to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Jai Girl
Daughtry is sooooo awsome this video proves it. It is just amazing. I lovethis video so much.
No Surprise
By leelady
I LOVE CHRIS and this new song only shows us more to come!! can't wait to hear the whole album!!
I've been a fan
By EmRuss11
Since American idol season 5 I voted and cried when you went home bought the album the day it cane out and plan to do the same with Leave This Town!! No surprise is a great song and the video didn't dissapoint!!
Great Video
By Davisappr
Great video! good quality! This is one of Daughtry's best songs IMO