By Josh P26
Heard this on octane and it’s freaking amazing. Hope he puts more of this out
Daughtry’s best song EVER!!!!!
By GoDawgsAlways!
I can remember those feelings when I was at my lowest point in depression and many years later took a chance to show Brian my artwork that I drew many moons ago. Little did I know it would get me banned from them. Hurt me to my core since I had been a totally devoted and very generous fan of Chris since he began. This song goes out to anyone who feels this pain of depression not sure if it’s about that but for myself it is. One of his BEST songs EVER. Articulates the struggle of pain in depression and then the acceptance of it to heal. I forgave them many years ago but it’s sad that they never did me nor did I know why. I absolutely love this new song totally raw emotion and deep. Way to go Daughtry 🎉 I am extremely proud of all you on this one. Without a doubt it should be the number one song in the charts
Sooo good!
By spytur
Dammit Daughtry please put a full album out! I need more of this!!!
Vintage Daughtry
By Guidman8
Love that Daughtry is back doing its thing, rocking. Solid song, will add to the playlist.
Too strong
By Traveling Kilbury
I think Daughtry should go back to his soft vocals. He was great with his soft vocals like on his 1st album. Who agrees wiith me?
Daughtry Rock is back
By DylansFreshTake
Welcome back to rock Daughtry!