There best album EVER
By Hey Blue
I love all there music, but the album is there True calling. I could listen to this 1,000x
Still gives me goose bumps
By TweetGoof
Chris Daughtry’s voice is so unique and PURE PERFECTION! His vocals seem to travel straight to my soul, unlike any other performer can. I have been a fan since his American Idol days. It doesn’t matter to me what genre of music he sings, his voice is magical! I will be a forever fan!
By Ursellasw
AMAZING!!!! The more I listen to this album the more I love love love it!!! There is honestly not one song on this album I don’t love!!! Have been a fan since day 1!!!!
Eclectic Taste
By Velmeran
I like a lot of music from Classical to Rock. So far i have been happy with all of Daughtry's Records. Some songs don't hit right off but listen and they all Grow on you with each one having something to say. You Can't Please everyone Just keep making music and i will keep purchasing. Thank You!!
Love it!
By Mhlinn
I love every song on this album. It’s not like how they used to be, sure, but I think all the new songs are just as great as the older ones. It’s Daughtry, can’t really go wrong with their music. ❤️
Cage to Rattle= Better than most of their albums
By purple gnomes
Over the span of Daughtry's career, I've been holding onto the notion their debut album is their best album out of everything they released for over 10 years now. It left a strong first impression on me that stuck with me and inevitably shaped how I viewed the evolution of their sound.
That being said I think Cage to Rattle is one of the best albums they've released, if not right up there with the first one. One of the general opinions I've read and heard is that they've gone in a more pop-influenced direction, away from the more rock-influenced sound, therefore not being as good.
Being a rock fan myself I tend to feel that way from time to time, but this album assured me that as far as Daughtry is willing to go with experimentation they always find their way back, although not from the exact place they started, bringing with them well-written songs I find myself jamming to with pleasure.
Seriously, I wouldn't discredit this album just because it sounds new. This is the good kind of new.
By Tyranussaur501
3 good songs which are the last 3 on the album gravity, stuff of legends and of course white flag
Daughtry has done it again!!
By Mosquito67
Which comes as no surprise! Congratulations on a completely awesome amazing album!! Love it! 😍😍😍 By the way to you who are saying it’s for teenagers and housewives obviously you’re not a devoted fan. I’m 50 and and I am a devoted fan since his first audition! Their concerts are as epic as this incredible album! Chris Daughtry’s vocal range is off the charts insanely incredible! Daughtry don’t listen to the negative, trust you true fans who love you and your music! Jen
By Etsuniverse
Not. Great
By Joel stands
I can’t really give a solid review just yet I’m not feeling it first album is the best still he really sold out here last one was meh