By wasteoftimeforsure
I loved this video please keep adding more of these Queen + Adam lambert videos! next consider adding bohemian rhapsody and radio Gaga or keep yourself alive? Just please add them I would like to see more of Queen + Adam lambert there amazing!
By ju-inhodges
I live queen and Adam separately but together they’re amazing. Adam’s vocals are one of the best of this time. 👌🏻
Queen + Adam Lambert = Perfection
By Cassielyle
It’s beautiful and touching. Just perfect
Nice Tribute
By grizgal
Great job to give tribute to the Covid 19 healthcare workers and those affected by this terrible virus. Thank you for doing this! 😷
Love it!!
By Redpaloma
Saw this video on Instagram but with the updated edit, it's giving me goosebumps with tears of joy. Thank you Q+AL. Love that Rory is in the video, too .<3