Burial’s Best Work
By Spedxing
Not really sure why there are so few reviews for all of Burial’s albums. Regardless, I’ve been listening to Burial’s music at large religiously for a couple of years now, and while it’s all incredible, this EP still stands out to me as his crowning achievement. While Burial’s music might not be for absolutely everyone, if you’ve enjoyed any of his other music, buy this immediately and without hesitation.
Absolutely brilliant
By Droceankiddd
Buy this. It's amazing. A must have. Entirely unique. Like listening to a radio late at night that's cracking and fazing in and out, this is a real, really good release.
Buy buy buy.
Surreal Joy
By 3ShadowWalker3
Similar as to what the Album Review dentoes, this 3-track EP picks you up and puts you back down in a place you have never been before... only... running for your life. Not even four minutes of each track could completely tell you what the rest has in store for you. Very enjoyable adventures I have immersed myself in with this little friend!