Gorillaz - Gorillaz



  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2001-03-26
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 17

  • ℗ 2014 Parlophone Records Limited, a Warner Music Group company.


Title Artist Time
Re-Hash Gorillaz 3:40
5/4 Gorillaz 2:42
Tomorrow Comes Today Gorillaz 3:13
New Genius (Brother) Gorillaz 3:59
Clint Eastwood Gorillaz 5:42
Man Research (Clapper) Gorillaz 4:32
Punk Gorillaz 1:38
Sound Check (Gravity) Gorillaz 4:42
Double Bass Gorillaz 4:46
Rock the House Gorillaz 4:09
19-2000 Gorillaz 3:27
Latin Simone (Que Pasa Contigo Gorillaz 3:38
Starshine Gorillaz 3:33
Slow Country Gorillaz 3:37
M1 A1 Gorillaz 4:01
Clint Eastwood (Ed Case / Swee Gorillaz 3:41
19-2000 (Soulchild Remix) Gorillaz 3:29


  • This album gets better and better the more you listen

    By Iminlesbiansw/u
    I love gorillaz so much, and it's honestly sad that the only well known songs from this album are Tomorrow comes Today, Clint Eastwood, and 19-2000. Honestly every song from this album is great. Re-Hash, 5/4, and Rock the House are favorites of mine, but so are Sound Check and Man Research. Punk and M1 A1 were so incredibly done, I really wish Damon would make more music like this. FYI to anyone buying this, Dracula and Left Hand Suzuki Method aren't on this. I recommend just buying a CD that includes the bonus tracks instead.
  • Must have album!

    By Not Jordan D
  • Can’t buy the full album

    By uhhh im a pervert
    This is a really great album but i cannot buy the full album for some reason apple please fix this.
  • U

    By takOッダ
    (Ring alert!) Splatoon has become a huge part of my life. No..it has become my life. I've never given it up. Thank you, Qumu. Your great. I'll pay for this and support you as much as I can. Wow. Thanks for reading this, anyone interested. 🫵☺️ Thank you. ~TAKO p.s... sorry for my life story. it's just...wow. I don't mean to write an essay. for something I can't promise anyone. you see... I'm just a madman... with splatoon things. I study for hours after ✨LORE✨ and don't even care about the fact that I don't have a Splatoon YouTube channel. i'm wasting my time entertaining. now we're getting into my whole life story.... Yes. So yes. The last part is a joke. But if you want a sneaky peak at rest... I copied and pasted a Word that I have of splatoon 3dlc. enjoy.... —————- Splatoon Theory 3DLC Ah.. Splatsville. The city is bustling, trains are drifting and a society in the sky blooms! You play as a nautilus, a boy or a girl. It's up to you! However, Off The Hook went crazy. :/ Anyway, you fight an Inkling species called "Houru." Beat them for profit in cash! You will receive your salary.....after you save Marina from Houru’s. PLOT Your first boss is HOURUMON: THE GREAT. She is a moldy Houru who lives in a vast, black and white arena. However, she is a lovely soul. She can spare you. But... she also exposes aggression and is a fool to people she thinks will hurt her. Your second boss is TEST HOURU SKILLZ The boss is named Juri. He was a malfunctioning Houri, pale white skin, blue hair, pink eyes and teal, and more. He has a whole pack of crazy people. The funny thing is that his Ultra Stamp skills are unparalleled. Hmm.....? The Last Boss; YOU PAYED DAH! Pearl jumps off the helicopter she and Marina have in Octo Expansion. She defeats her giant Killer Wail and tries to destroy Splatsville! (During its peak.) However, you won't fight alone, as Marina helps you prevent Pearl from splashing all citizens! However, things didn't go as planned.... SPLATOON N30: REBIRTH A post-apocalyptic shooting game featuring you shooting ink in Splatsville! All the citizens are gone, but yours is not, so you have some free time, don't you?! No. You are tasked with recovering any data for OTH, so that they can find survivors. Can you solve the case? Will anyone play war on the pitch anymore? Find out in... SPLATOON N30: REBIRTH. Splatoon Hotel You and a group of others arrive at the Splatsville Kokoshina Hotel. It's full of fun and addictive little games! Discover the secrets inside... and make new friends with ONLINE MODE! All this and more... on your phone! Splatoon HOTEL. 0:0 ps sorry if this is a little cringing💀 m
  • can’t buy the album?

    By zrahan
    why can’t i buy this album? the purchase the whole album button isn’t showing, when will it be purchasable as a whole again?
  • Awesome Album, but I can’t buy it???

    By Blockhead_Ezgerd
    Hey Apple, Can you check and see what’s wrong with the price tag? It won’t show up and I can’t buy the full album all at once.
  • Incredible

    By ScallywagKirby
    I use to listen to this album with my dad when I was just a little kid. Then I forgot about it until now and even though I’m 28 I remember every single one of these songs! This album is amazing, I’ve been listening to it on shuffle for now my 4th day straight haha
  • Song popularity

    By Gabriel1171
    It’s kind of sad that Clint Eastwood overshadows this entire album, I believe that Clint Eastwood isn’t even close to the best song on this album. Almost every song on here is amazing
  • phase one best phase

    By final boss simp
    noodle is bby
  • Love Gorillaz

    By k the artist
    Gorillaz album and Demon days album were the best!!!!

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