By Trust and Us
What ?
By Vaggerbond1
C’mon Daman, don’t count on the mainstream or old tired artists. Where’s the original GORILLZ song writing flare that created Gorillaz (even moving with the times) ? A bit poor, seems songs are just being written to cover as many genres and other artists as possible to attract their fans. It’s a shame, hmmm, the brain has left the building.
is an OK album I think this album is underrated
By Just got it sly
Is a big success and a big failure
So terrible
By rimusicsoul6
Insanely bad wow
Incredibly disappointed.
By xajiks
The three songs they played on the air prior to the full album release are the only decent songs. I’m a huge fan, but this album will not remain on my playlist when skiing, biking, or anything that requires upbeat, fun, and funky tunes. This album is not fun. Almost depressing. Too many ‘ballads’, too many slow songs. Not a fan at all. I get that they are getting older, but it’s almost like they are giving up. Boooooo.....
Better than Humanz but not the best.
By Shadowstorm Vash
A step in the right direction but I’d still like to hear more variety in the collaborators genre. Most of the songs are good and the preachiness of Humanz is gone and there are no lines about “like how the N kills the white man” in this album (unlike Humanz song Ascension ft. Vince Staples) at the very least.
It’s still missing the feel of iconic instrumentals in most of its tracks unlike songs like stylo, dare, donchromatc, El Manana, 19-2000 or FGI where when the song starts you instantly recognize it and are ready to jam. I feel this is mostly due to the trance like instrumentals present in most of the slower songs which I believe are meant to represent the brainwashing feel of being in a cult.
The next album (assuming they do one) really needs to step away from the collaborations as there are only a few standout songs here. Songs like skinny ape, Possession Island and Tired Influencer are merely ok at best. The number of songs is fine, not sure why a few reviews are complaining as it’s a standard number of tracks. Both versions of Silent Running are really good both in instrumentation and lyrics and in my opinion is the best song here. This is closely followed by New Gold, Cracker Island, Baby Queen, Tormenta, Tarantula and Oil. The others are good and none of them are bad but just not as ear catching as the rest (yes that includes oil which is kind of a drone at times and is in need of a remix). Overall I’d recommend most of the album.but maybe pick and choose your favorite songs if you aren’t a diehard fan.
Damon really nails it
By tron_passant
I love this. So many great collabs. So many tracks ring in my head. Damon is so soulful and he captures the mood of our times. Standouts include: Cracker Island, Oil, Silent Running, New Gold. Only downside is the album is short. Worth my ten bucks though. I'll have this on repeat for a while.
Great album. Don’t listen to the racist reviews
By AlienCaribeño
This album is an unexpected gem. A bit short but it males up in quality. Try it out. You only know if you will like it. Dont listen to the racist trolls that are given this a 1/5 because they cant understand another language . That “mumbling” its called another language. If you had more than a single neuron you would be able to learn it and go from ignorant to educated, all in a single move.
Go rillaz
By timothy186
Such a great album, er song so good
wow, the best Gorillaz in a LONG time.
By Terry212am
I'm a Blur fan who liked the first Gorillaz album and a few singles here and there, but I mostly found the later stuff to be non-melodic pot-induced meandering. These are actual songs. They are upbeat, but not dopey. It all has a dance feel, but the melodies are strong, the vocals are good. It's...LISTENABLE and ENJOYABLE. There are actual SONGS. I'm really surprised and happy. (NOTE: I didn't bother with the Bad Bunny song).