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Title Artist Time


  • another sexy blonde =(

    By miss_mandy
    Are people deaf or have no taste? Seriously, I can’t believe people think she can sing. In fact American Idol has FAIL to produce ANY TALENTED artist with the EXCEPTION of Ruben. And he didn’t make it because he doesn’t fit the cookie cutter image that is expected on the m music biz. They have simply produce performers that appeal to the masses. She sounds like everyone else in the music biz. She sounds like a clean version of Nicki Minaj.
  • AMAZING Remixes of an awesome song!

    By StephyDee
    Remixes usually end up sounding silly and too repetitive, trying so hard to sound different that they just end up sound bad. These don't have that problem...AT ALL. My favorite of these by far is the DEION remix. The only gripe I have with that one is that it should be longer, because I love it THAT much! Guess I'll just have it on repeat! If you're leary on remix albums, DON'T be on this one. It does it right, and it does it well. Good thing it got it right for the unstoppable Kelly Clarkson!
  • Amazing

    By J.F.H is great
    This is my new favorite song and will be for a long time I love this song
  • Amazing song!!!

    By Kodmaster7
    I usually do not like remixes; however these are actually pretty good. None of these versions are Kelly's style, but it's a nice twist on the song. In addition, I hope that Kelly doesn't try making her songs like this, but I enjoyed listening to it several different ways. My favorite version is the original. It is so powerful and moving, the remixes didn't have that same effect. I love this song, it definitely deserves to be #1. Kelly Clarkson is great and I will Hopefully see her in concert this Summer! Anything associated with Kelly Clarkson is BRILLIANT! #TeamKC
  • People Like KELLY!!

    By corybe
    Love Kelly and love this song!!! This girl does no wrong!! A greatest hits album with (now) THREE more new hits to add!! Go Kelly!! Here's to the "people like us!!"
  • Love it!!

    By Berry honest!!!
    Very catchy, have not heard this song before, but love the remixes.
  • Love that she wanted remixes for this song!!

    By BreezyBriCheese
    The DEION mix is by far my favorite. I love this song so much; I'm glad Kelly Clarkson wanted multiple versions so that I have more varieties to listen to!
  • Wow!

    By katherinemegan
    I love the Deion Mix, takes a totally different twist on the song. Amazing! Must buy! :)
  • Greek Girls Does Great!

    By Nico PDX
    America's favourite Greek Singer is back with an amazing dance anthem!