Number Four - Single - My Chemical Romance

Number Four - Single

My Chemical Romance

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2013-01-08
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 2

  • ℗ 2013 Reprise Records


Title Artist Time
Kiss the Ring My Chemical Romance 3:08
Make Room!!!! My Chemical Romance 3:42


  • I just can't

    By KK😘😎😁
    I love conventional weapons, but it never fails to make me cry.
  • funfunfun

    By jesstheghost
    some of their best work, in my opinion. these two songs could get anyone hyped up & excited. especially make room!!! i love how that one sounds like a mixture of party poison & na na na. amazing.
  • (This isn't a review)

    By BrokenShardsOfGlass
    It's funny how everyone commenting here is from January 2013 and then 2 months later MCR broke up .Its been 2 years since the breakup but Gerard is doing his own solo stuff (which is AMAZING) and so is Frank (again, AMAZING) I think Mikey is in a band now called electric century and I also think Ray is doing solo stuff.
  • Classic

    By Punk rocker!!!!:)
    I love both songs! Classic My Chemical Romance!
  • LOVE!

    By adautumnfan
    One of my favorite singles from Conventional Weapons. I like how they added things from Danger Days into Make Room!!!!! and Kiss the Ring has a good beat, and I think these singles are one of Gerard's best performances singing wise. Amazing Albums. Killjoys Forever <3
  • best conventional weapons

    By madayds
    ths one is the best. kiss the ring never gets old.
  • Best song ever

    By falloutangelxx
    My fav song in the weapon album is kiss the # 4 all the way!!! Luffs mcr
  • What??

    By Wra17h
    @Pony Pie Don't make such a sure fire statement and then contradict yourself immediately afterward, ya noodle. Saying nothing else sounds like them and then comparing them to 70's bands is counter intuitive. And yes a lot of this reminds me of hard versions of potential Beatles songs that never were X) And I have to agree with Frantic and say this is the 2nd best of Conventional Weapons. Number 1 is still the best in my opinion.
  • Best band ever!!!!!!!!!

    By Shelbypowell00
    I love this band is the best band ever i have almost all of there songs

    By Lauren Consolatore
    I preordered it and just needed to tell everyone it's amazing!!!

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