My Chemical Romance is not dead
By music 999
It’s been 13 years since this came out and I’m still not over it. I love this band and nobody can really ruin them so I love them and I wish I could give them more than 5 stars
By miss sky kid
OK PEOPLE just because it’s not EXACTLY the same as their other albums does NOT mean it’s “ garbage “ I was taken aback on most of the reviews on here! I love this album with all my heart and no one can change my mine on that, and if they just keep doing the same things over and over again, it’s not fun to listen to! You’ll just think” oh this is basically the same as last album” but please give it a chance, and don’t come on here and whine about how much they changed and call them “sell outs” ya know, I love this band so much and they mean the world to me, you haters don’t need to poo poo on everyone’s parade! And you haters who say you like their old stuff better but hate this album can go listen to the older stuff! Don’t come and write a negative review bringing all the fans down! It still makes me sad that these reviews are from 12 years ago, saying that they hope they do better on the next album,😢( spoiler alert) there won’t be a next album, well, I don’t want to end on a downer, so I’ll leave you with this, this band honestly changed my life, a year ago, I was listening to crappy pop bands , and My Chem changed me , just listening to a song can make me feel better almost instantly and that makes me so happy good day fellow killjoys/MCRMY soldiers
Raven rebel: killjoy
Special and excellent
By Kiso Cross
This album is very well made and you will not be let down it still stays true to the genre.
They did that
By Music listener ;)
By Walker 77677
Amazing album! My favorite song is Sing. Not a bad concept album, but not as good as the black parade. I hear a new sound in these songs, with less hard rock and more experiments, but these experiments are great 👍 . RIP MCR. I hope after their reunion tour, they release another album. 😭😭😭😭😭😔😔😔🤯🤯🤯🎵🎵🎵🎶🎶🎶▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👌👌👌
worth it
By pete wentz (real)
i danced to this song three times in a row and then passed out and woke up with a stabbing pain stomachache and had to go to the er and get a ct scan but it was worth it. this song itches my brain in all the right places and makes me look like im a clown preforming in the circus. although it gives queer vibes, i can overlook that for the greater good. (it's giving 💅)
By Freaky Box👅
Na na na na na na na na!!!!
By mikeysyYayaa
i lov mcr
By CyanideCandyKilljoy
So I mean, obviously I’m a die hard mcr fan but this was like the best for me when it came out. When it came out I thought that it would take FOREVER for 2019 to come by I mean it came and went I guess. Anyways, this album is one of the best mcr albums and one of my personal favorite songs was the Kids From Yesterday.
Change of heart
By SnowLeopard666
I love this album now and wished I had given it a chance back in the day.