By MAR62
You read the title correctly
Love it!
By yomama5640
I love this, I kinda cracked up a little :P AND I LOVE YOU TOO ZAK! You're so sexy!!!!!!!!!!
Kinetic Energy!!!
By xnatersx91988
The Kinetic Energy remix is AMAZING!! LOA are back and in true form!
Does anyone know a good ear DR?
By Doodle rains
This was bad! It could quite possibly be the worst song I've ever heard, stick to your show bagans.
Ear-gasmic Music!!
By Karla(: LOA fan and zak fan
^ the subject says it all!! :) I live for this!! And love it to the EXTREME!!! More music!!! *chanting 30 times*
Lords of Acid Paranormal Energy Remixes w/ Zak Bagans
By Jcp824
Awesome Paragasmic Bliss!!! Heard It, Liked It, Bought It, Blasting It!!!
The best dubset music to date. Purchase it, or else the spiritis will haunt you in your nightmares.
Awesome Remixes!
By bryguy101
Already addicted to these sick remixes! Keep up the good work Praga and Zak!
5 Stars All the Way!
By futuremrsgubler
Paranormal Energy "vibrated my soul!!" Zak Bagans is amazing!
By Zakbaganslover
Wow. Thats all I can say, this is amazing I love ZAK bagans and he is sexy! Lol he is amazing and I'm speechless! I listen to this everyday and I cannot get enough it! Just AMAZING!