New number 1
By bluestreak426
Love the beat and it always helps when message makes sense
A little dissapointed
By nightmare_kitty
I love Lords of Acid, but I'm dissapointed that the Voodoo-U cd isn't on here.
By Charlie Henning
This cd is absolutely horrible..... Zak and nick stick to searching spirits
Paranormal Energy is why I'm here.
By Harri-Beary
I only came here because of Zak. Good Job Zak, and Lords of Acid, you can do better.
paronormal energy
By angiedance
tis is so awesome its so much like ghost adventures "blody scratches on my back" happen to zak lol :) awesome a must buy
Paranormal Energy
By Adam The Zombie
I am not gonna lie and tell you I am not a Zak Bagans fan... But I will tell I thought I was going to HATE Paranormal Energy... However I thought wrong! It is now my ringtone and I listen to it multiple times a day! Give it a shot I think you'll like it!
By Alicijean
Love Paranormal Energy with big, bad Zac Bagans!!!! All GAC fans in a huge way, and love this version...very cool!!!
Wow! Lords of Acid rules!
By digitallusion
All the modern sounds but with the lords of acid style. Impressive!
By Catcoolmama
The Lords are back, and as acidic as ever
By Mikael Blomkvist
It's been more than a decade since Lords of Acid last released an album of new material, and the wait has been more than worth it. After a series of compilation albums released after Farstucker, Children of Acid have been suffering from widthdrawl symptoms, waiting for new material to be released.
With Deep Chills, techno master Praga Khan delivers a record that will fill our souls and send chills deep through our backs.
Standout tracks include: "Little Mighty Rabbit", "Long Johns", "Sole Sucker", "Children of Acid" and "Mary, Queen of Slots".
And let's not forget "Paranormal Energy" with Zak Bragans.