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Title Artist Time


  • colores, colores!

    By isiahnator
    i heard colores, colores in my spanish class one day when we were learning the colors, and this song is awesome! the only spanish song i have on my ipod but awesome still, i dont know abou the rest of the album tho
  • So-so

    By sammythesnake
    I had to listen to Colores Colores in school, and thought it had a nice beat, but was very so so. Yes, I do know Spanish, so that's not the problem. It's just that these songs aren't very rememberable. However, they do have a feel good vibe.
  • Buena musica

    By Anonymous9099
    Los bacilos son muy buenos, y a mi maestra de espanol le encanta tu cancion "Colores Colores." Ella lo juega para nosotros ayudarnos aprender espanol, pero pienso que los bacilos pueden escribir canciones mejores, pero la musica es tan buena.
  • Get contaminated by the Bacilos

    By musicfreak1189
    The name "Bacilos" literally means bacteria. That's pretty cool because when I listen to their music it's almost like I'm "contaminated" by it. The music is awesome and they blend different rythms and sounds very well. Though the lead singer is not that great with singing he has a calm voice that is enjoyable to listen to. This album is a great buy. GET CONTAMINATED!!!!