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Title Artist Time


  • Bacilos is not Mexican music

    By Colombianita
    Yes, Bacilos albums are a must-have for any contemporary Latin music aficionado, but their music does NOT have any Mexican influence. The music of Bacilos is a blend of Caribbean and South American traditional rythms. The violin solo in Tabaco y Chanel is absolutely beautiful - a typical melody found in Son/Salsa/Charanga (none of which originated in Mexico) and made popular by artists such as Cuban-born Alfredo De la Fe in the 70s and 80s. As much as well all love Mexico and its beautiful culture, let's not assume all Latin music is Mexican.
  • Bacilos Son Colombianos

    By Clo89
    Disque Mexicanos este gringo idiota.
  • Bacilos no es una banda mexicana

    By Gafferson
    ...sino colombiana.
  • Excellent example of modern mexican rock music.

    By SelF-PiMp
    Bacilos are actually quite talented. They are able to combine catchy, yet melodic lyrics with a modern mexican sound, all the while keeping it down to earth by using many traditional instruments as well. The songs are also interesting plot-wise. My favorite songs are Tabaco y Chanel, where their violinist wows you with an amazing intro, and Cuestion de Madera. Know, however, that the track names here are off. I'm not completely sure how the tracks actually go, but it seems cronica de... is also on the cd as ahi va la madera. Overall, this is a great CD that belongs in any modern latino music collection.