Hall right!
By quickthinker
Not many musicians were hotter in the 80's. Along with John Oates, H&O were on a hot streak that lasted for the first half of the decade. Daryl's first solo album doesn't disappoint. Really not a bad track to be found here. Someone Like You and Foolish Pride are my favorites.
I enjoy "Dreamtine"
By Bobbo428
I first heard "Dreamtime" in Oswego, NY on an AOR station. The tune had a late-summer/early-fall sound, and it was the song on my mind on October 23, 1986 (tthirty-six years ago today as I type this). I recall meeting a woman named Linda that afternoon. Later on, I watched Game 5 of the exciting 1986 World Series.
By Nurk Twin
What a great song! Bought it on 45 ASAP and just bought it from iTunes.
3 Hearts In The Happy Ending Machine
By Peaceful One
Oh, my dear iTunes, thank you so very much for bringing Mr. Hall's solo music to your customers.
I waited for what may have been decades for this reunion. Thank you!
Love, peace and more peace, Mario
By peprmt
thank you daryl for finally releasing this album..been looking for it for a long time.. love love love it..
So glad it's on my ipod !
By Nancy24
I feel that this is some of Daryl Hall's best solo work. It showcases his musical genius,and spectacular vocal range. "Someone Like You" is a soulful masterpiece! What more can I say?
Dreamtime back to the mid 80's
By Knyteryder
Thank you iTunes!, I've had a crappy tape converted version of "Dreamtime" I've wanted to replace for years and finally can.
Aces dudes!
3Hearts in the Happy Ending Machine
By Lighthousemaster
This album is ONE great album Daryl put together!! All the songs are out of this world. Daryl Hall is a musical genius. That's all I got to say!
3 Hearts In the Happy Ending Machine
By Jessimay1
Just figured out my ipod, at last, and this is the first album I put on. haven't heard it nearly 20 years. LOVE IT!! (and Daryl!) still remember every word to every song! Made my day!!!
Great album
By ruger666
Wasn't a big Hall and Oates fan when this came out. I was working at a record store, heard it and was blown away. Loved everything about it ... the songs, production, lyrics. Still think it is Hall's best work.