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Title Artist Time


  • Hall right!

    By quickthinker
    Not many musicians were hotter in the 80's. Along with John Oates, H&O were on a hot streak that lasted for the first half of the decade. Daryl's first solo album doesn't disappoint. Really not a bad track to be found here. Someone Like You and Foolish Pride are my favorites.
  • I enjoy "Dreamtine"

    By Bobbo428
    I first heard "Dreamtime" in Oswego, NY on an AOR station. The tune had a late-summer/early-fall sound, and it was the song on my mind on October 23, 1986 (tthirty-six years ago today as I type this). I recall meeting a woman named Linda that afternoon. Later on, I watched Game 5 of the exciting 1986 World Series.
  • Dreamtime!

    By Nurk Twin
    What a great song! Bought it on 45 ASAP and just bought it from iTunes.
  • 3 Hearts In The Happy Ending Machine

    By Peaceful One
    Oh, my dear iTunes, thank you so very much for bringing Mr. Hall's solo music to your customers. I waited for what may have been decades for this reunion. Thank you! Love, peace and more peace, Mario
  • finally..

    By peprmt
    thank you daryl for finally releasing this album..been looking for it for a long time.. love love love it..
  • So glad it's on my ipod !

    By Nancy24
    I feel that this is some of Daryl Hall's best solo work. It showcases his musical genius,and spectacular vocal range. "Someone Like You" is a soulful masterpiece! What more can I say?
  • Dreamtime back to the mid 80's

    By Knyteryder
    Thank you iTunes!, I've had a crappy tape converted version of "Dreamtime" I've wanted to replace for years and finally can. Aces dudes!
  • 3Hearts in the Happy Ending Machine

    By Lighthousemaster
    This album is ONE great album Daryl put together!! All the songs are out of this world. Daryl Hall is a musical genius. That's all I got to say!
  • 3 Hearts In the Happy Ending Machine

    By Jessimay1
    Just figured out my ipod, at last, and this is the first album I put on. haven't heard it nearly 20 years. LOVE IT!! (and Daryl!) still remember every word to every song! Made my day!!!
  • Great album

    By ruger666
    Wasn't a big Hall and Oates fan when this came out. I was working at a record store, heard it and was blown away. Loved everything about it ... the songs, production, lyrics. Still think it is Hall's best work.