I absolutely love hyper crush !!
By rbeals
A few months ago i bought there album night wave and fell in love so i had to buy this one , i wish these guys got played on the radio !!
Hyper Awesome!!!
By Deadmice
Friend of mine dances to most of the tracks when she's on stage at work...if you've never listened to them before, sample each track at least once, guarantee you will be hooked. Don't know too many artists who sample 8-bit video game sounds. Check out their music videos as well. Saw them perform live years ago and blew me away. Holly, Preston, and Donnie need to follow up on this great release!
By Male cheer6
She's a freak(:
hyper crush is amazing
By yassssssssssssssss
Hyper crush never fails to make amazing music. I LOVE this album. I never liked this kind of music but hyper crush has a new twist to their music that i'm sure other artists are soon going to take over. My personal faves are #'s 1-5, 10, 11, and 13. YOU WILL LOVE THEM :)
By Nightacid
These guys are awesome love the sound
By The Mrs Lerman
I love hyper crush! but the only problem is that Slow Motion skips like a whole part of the song, than in the video.
By Sndbsksjs plz
I love this band number #1 babay!
Robotic techno-awesome
Great mix of geners...robo tech is sick
Great Sound
By EJ559
I found this through the genius recommendations... been hooked on it since then. It's hard to find a good combination of sick beats and vocals. Fav tracks are She's a Freak, This is my Life, and Robo Tech
Love these guys
By skbeez
Friends of mine tried convincing me for a long time that Hyper Crush was a good... but after buying a few songs I now realize these guys aren't good, they're amazing! I can't help see them as a great cross between the conventional concept of computer geeks and the cool kids on the block. Weird, but awesome ;)