By Shushwami™
Fun enough, but no where near as explosive as Night Wave. Night Wave already lost some of the quirkyness of this group, but made up for it with powerful beats. This has mostly neither...
They are the Shiznit!!
By Jokr840
New Album has some banging tracks but I like Night Wave better. Still awesome though!!!
they seriously NEVER fail me. been a huge fan for 6 years, i love them more and more with every album and single!
By Ninja-Blade-XDO
Just terrible. What happened to people with talent. I like their old stuff better.
Keeps gettin better
By 5432r
Your albums keep getting better!! I love it and can't turn it off. My faves are prelude, so ha, and vertigo but i can honestly say I like every song. Good beats and makes you feel good! =D
Been a fan for years
By mitsudia
I hope this music really takes off soon, these guys been making a class music for years!!!
By tiff-a-roo
I've had it on repeat since I downloaded it, great album.
In LOVE with this album.
By Ben Lee Milner
Man, this whole album is wreckless.
Some of the tastiest, most dirt-nasty, 80's inspired, sickest beats on the planet earth.
Lyrics crush SO hard on this record.
I can't stop listening to this isht.
Hyper Crush puttin in WORK!
Amazing in every way.
By JeffoShatz
Not only has Hyper Crush's production gotten immensely better since their debut album in 2008. Their sound as a whole is so refined now and I see this album as a game changer for them. Keep doing what you do guys. Come to Atlanta some time!
This Album Is On Beast Mode!!!
By Dark_Kight
First album in a long time that's brought out that level of energy outta me, can't wait to see them live.