king buzzo is the man
By wdbeaulac
The last song was originally called story about skeeter thompson that was featured on dave grohls first independent album called pocketwatch. He released the album under the fake band name of "late." I believe it only came out on cassette back in the early 90's.
Buzz is an Unrecognized Legend
By Jojo The Great
This EP is great, considering he ranks among those like Kurt Cobain and Lane Stanley.
By sleeze bass guy
most people dont know it and he sertanly dosnt get enought credit for the fact that if there was no buzz, there would be no nirvana!!!!!!! so acually, thank you buzz and dale for giving krist and kurt a great start in music (fecal matter) buffys pregnate is the best on that record. and thank you dale fo introdusing dave grohl to the band. back to king buzzo, porg is my favorite. melvins=grunge granddady.......mudhoney=melvins squire