
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Golden.

    By cspencere
    While Cobra has recently become more mainstream, and are experimenting more, this album is still their best to date. There's nothing unlikeable about it.
  • Best Of Cobra

    By hachi-sama
    I thought and still think this whole album is amazing! the best cobra has produced. Like ya, I think some of their newer songs are good too, but as a whole this album takes the cake
  • Miss when they were like this :/

    By AlyssaDMendez
    Such a great album :( its too bad Night Shades isn't like this. For some reason they decided to do pop.... And to whoever commented about Streets of Gold... That's by 3OH!3....
  • Amazing!

    By dubdude88
    Amazing as usual.
  • Thou Lovith Cobra!

    By BellaNotSwan
    I actually discovered while looking up "Romeo and Juliet" related songs! "The City is at War" came up because, for those who don't know, the play starts off with the whole city of Verona at war. So I searched it since I'm a big Fueled By Ramen (record company) fan. I feel in love! I listen to Escape the Fate and Queen and just stuff not like Cobra, and honestly I love them.
  • luv but the new eww

    By redandgimpy
    i luv this album and the older ones but the streets of gold is B.S new and popish so many good bands are now pop plz stay good i just rated they newer album well not 2 many ppl r happy
  • Old Is Always Best

    By *jymee_dakis*
    I listen to the new single a second ago and it's alright. Kinda poppier than their old stuff, and that IS pop. Cobra Starship is one of my guilty plessures and I hope their tunes stay true to Viva la Cobra!
  • I LUV COBRAS

    By Boburnhamsfan
    Its deff the BEST album EVARR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  • love it! <3

    By thebeatlesareawesomee
    every song is good! like, no song on here is bad
  • crap

    By SP+JM
    How are these guys Alternative???