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Title Artist Time


  • Embarassing

    By Jonathan Gonzo
    Just an embarrassment to music in general. Listening to this is sure to rid you of any of that pesky testosterone, and maybe give you hot flashes. Other than that, I suppose it could be used in torture sessions to uncover valuable intel, because honestly, this poor excuse for a musical group sounds EXACTLY like every other pop act out there. Nothing original here, just the same pop/emoish garbage with the obligatory long titles. And how can you tell something to "long live" if it's dead? That's like telling a car with a dead battery to take you to the mall. My point? This is total garbage. I would rather dip a cheeseburger in that juice in the bottom of a trash bag and eat it than listen to this nonsense.
  • A Good Change

    By ColleenJG
    I liked this cd because cobra managed to change their sound up but not go totally main stream. Hot Mess is such a fun song! I really like Nice Guys Finish Last too. I also adore the cover!!!
  • Uh no.

    By ofshire
    Cobra Starship is NOT boring as hell. They have awesome, upbeat songs. YOU are boring as hell if you don't have a good reason to hate them.
  • Everything wrong....

    By Essentialism
    ....with current music, all in one place! The review listed the description well. Cheesy, derivative, formulaic, inane, vulgar, trivial, and ultimately....boring as hell.
  • Love Cobra

    By juliez1260
    This is the 1st Cobra album I got, and I looovvvve it! It's fun to dance to, and pretty much just awesome. My favorites on the album were Hot Mess and Living In the Sky with Diamonds. Sure, some songs like Wet Hot American Summer get a little annoying, but otherwise this is really a fun album that is awesome to dance to! I love Cobra
  • unbelivable

    By dman1234
    it rocks :D .^^ ...................(..) .................(")(")
  • Ew

    By GrayBGirl500
    The cover speaks for the whole album.
  • Amazing

    By basketballchick<3
    Just saw them in concert! They are amazing! I <3 Gabe!
  • Best Song So Far!!!!!

    This song is AMAZING!!!! Every time i listen to it i cant help dancing and singing along!!! They ROCK \m/
  • hot mess is the best song,my favorite of all time,not just by cobra starship

    By CobraStarStrukk
    i love this album,the 2 best songs are good girls go bad and hot mess off of hot mess but those are 2 of his 3 best,the other one is snakes on a plane but remember itunes is stupid, you have to pay $1.00 each for songs, LIME WIRE IS FREE AND THAT'S WHYI HAVE IT,i have all 3 good songs and cobra starship is hear me out THE BEST SINGER OF ALL TIME not 1 2 3 or 4 but 5 stars