Five: Bad Boys Who Eat With Their Fingers
By himynameisbrent
Five fans will recognize that as a paraphrasing of actual lyrics from Everybody Get Up. I sometimes question myself for being so fond of a group whose lyrics were frequently inane. But I loved Five in the late '90s and I still love them today. I was a huge fan of all of the boy bands from that era, but Five is the only one that I still listen to on a regular basis. I know that's a bad reflection on my artistic taste level, but oh well. I guess maybe deep down I wish I was a bad boy who eats with my fingers, too.
By Courtneyh88
I feel like a pre-teen again! I love these guys! They were all over my walls!
By extremediva
I remember them and had When The Lights Go Out in my head recently! So glad I can listen to them again!!!!
Love it.
By Anainlove
These guys were so fine and this CD was amazing.
Love them forever!!!
By XxdramaxX
Memories!!!! Until the time is threw is my perfect love song. I'm 21 now and it still gives me the chills
I love them!
By FerDee92
Five forever!!!! they have great songs, I love them!!
Ah! and by the way...... Scott is my boyfriend!! :P in my dreams! :D but he is!
smdnxn so good!
By paramoreobsessor
I just came in my pants. I will never stop loving these boys.
My fav POP days group!
By liZZie^_^
It's funny how not many people remember 5IVE has the british sensation, but if you recall watching them live, they were the cute teenage guys with HUGE pants and a HUGE vocal mix that had all the girls screaming!! I loved this album!!