The Other Side of the Mirror - Stevie Nicks

The Other Side of the Mirror

Stevie Nicks

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 1989-05-09
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • ℗ 1989 Modern Records, manufactured and distributed by Atlantic Recording Corp., a Warne


Title Artist Time
Rooms On Fire Stevie Nicks 4:34
Long Way to Go Stevie Nicks 4:07
Two Kinds of Love Stevie Nicks & Bruce Hornsby 4:46
Ooh My Love Stevie Nicks 5:03
Ghosts Stevie Nicks 4:54
Whole Lotta Trouble Stevie Nicks 4:31
Fire Burning Stevie Nicks 3:16
Cry Wolf Stevie Nicks 4:09
Alice Stevie Nicks 5:47
Juliet Stevie Nicks 4:51
Doing the Best I Can (Escape f Stevie Nicks 5:36
I Still Miss Someone (Blue Eye Stevie Nicks 4:08


  • Upon seeing some interviews

    By globesessions99
    it became more clear to me how personal this body of work is to her. I always liked it, but not the last few songs. I never quite got it. But now with adult ears, eyes and a renued sense, I get it. The first half is the best all around but the last half digs deeper than any album before. A truly magnificent body of work.
  • One of her worst.

    By Jmson25
    This album is just awful. Her voice sounds weird, the songs are Boring and overall the music is just weak. There is some great poetry, it's just too bad the music can't compliment it. Also, it sounds incredibly forgettable and outdated.
  • It

    By Hoffer11
    On this album I think the best songs are Alice, Rooms on Fire, and Ghosts. (Just saying)
  • She's Doing The Best That She Can

    By nailatixela
    I feel like Stevie did the best she could on this album. However, it is a star below her first 3 solo albums. Stevie wasn't in the best frame of mind during this period, and didn't have the best producer with Rupert Hine. Jimmy Iovine was much better for her, but he did not produce this record. The only other negative is that it suffers from a dated sound. Rooms On Fire is a great opener, and an amazing single. Other noteables include the rocking Long Way To Go, and the fun Whole Lotta Trouble & Juliet. Cry Wolf and Fire Burning are too similar in their themes, and the fact that they are back to back make this even worse. The best track on this album is Doing The Best That I Can. It's an epic song that is very personal. This is either a love it or hate it song. I feel it's a must listen. The worst track on this album is the cover of I Still Miss Someone. Stay away! Overall TOSOTM is still an album worth your listen. It's Stevie's most "magical" album, and this can be both good and bad.
  • Other Side of the Mirror

    By 1234rhiannon
    "Rooms On Fire" did give this album commercial success but songs like "Ooh My Love" , "Long Way To Go" , and "Whole Lotta Trouble" made it a great one.
  • Her Magic Album

    By all the other nicknames I could think of were taken
    Not her best album, but pretty good. Ooh My Love has a groovy beat to it, Whole lotta trouble is a balls song and one of my mom's favorites. I really liked Juliet.
  • grew up on this album

    By alix 1985
    My parents had the tape of this and we listed to it so much. Stevie's voice is good on this and her bella donna 1981 is good to. I prefer the 1973 Buckingham & Nicks album. But I have some of stevie's works 1973, 1981, 1989 And the 2001 TISL. Also every thing of fleetwood mac's stuff. Good music there still great tunes after over 20 years of listing to them.
  • One of Stevie's better efforts

    By rle929
    Truth is this is 3.5 star album (I rounded up). It's a good but not great record, featuring several exceptional songs. I've always felt that Stevie's 80s albums (other than BELLA DONNA) suffered from poor single choices. Listening to this album, "Rooms On Fire" was the obvious first choice for a single and it did pretty well, breaking into the Top 20. After that Modern opted to release two of the weaker songs on the album "Two Kinds Of Love" and "Whole Lotta Trouble". It's not that the songs are terrible, they actually sound great and have great choruses, but lyrically they aren't the most interesting or coherent. Perhaps they would have been better served by releasing "Ooh My Love", "Ghosts" or "Cry Wolf" and the album might have achieved greater success. There are also several strong album tracks like "Fire Burning" and "Juliet", which features fantastic piano work from Bruce Hornsby. The only real drawback is that some of the songs, particularly, the heavy-handed "Alice" and "Doing The Best That I Can" sound a little forced as Stevie retreats too far into her world. It's difficult for the listener to relate to lines like "Well I talked to my famous friend last night..."Overall, this is a strong, consistent album. Even though it sounds very much like an album from 1989, it is a solid effort from one of rock's most enduring and engaging acts.
  • Just one thing

    By Globesessions
    I'm not too found of the last 2 songs. But the rest of the album over all is brillant. Her duet with Bruse Horsby is great as well as all the songs before and after. Good old 80s music here.
  • Something a little more intimate...

    By Rhiannon, the Goddess of all that Rocks
    Anyone who is familiar with Stevie Nicks and her breadth of music knows that sometimes she can be cryptic, way out there, and lost in the clouds. On this album, she is all that and more. Those who are "ok" with her music may not be interested in what she's done here, but those who love her work passionately won't be disappointed. Although there are a few tracks that fail to deliver the rock edge of hits like "Edge of Seventeen", there are softer songs much like "Sara" and " Gypsy". "Ooh, My Love" is a gorgeous song often over looked by anyone too disappointed with other tracks like "Cry Wolf" and " Juliet ". "Whole Lotta Trouble" delivers a sassy warning while, "Rooms on Fire" delivers the mystery, mysticism, and dreamy mental images we're all used to. "Doing the Best that I Can" hits home with anyone who knows about disappointment and struggle, while "Long Way to Go" and " Alice " are so-so songs somewhere in the middle. No, it's not Stevie's best work, but it's not a total disaster, either.

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