Some good songs here
By FDR in SD
As others have noted, Stevie isn’t particularly fond of this one as it was recorded and released at a low point in her life. My track picks here are “Blue Denim”, “Greta”, “Maybe Love Will Change Your Mind”, “Unconditional Love”, and “Jane”.
By Denderoni
This album was during a tough time for Stevie and yet it's still amazing to me! It has an R&B slash rock sound and has her classic sound to it! I'm a insane fan of Stevie so anything she writes I'll worship. It was very underrated, at least I think
Not her best, but still like it
By globesessions99
Biggest downfall is not aot of new material bulid on lots of leftovers, and she wasn't as involved with the process. There are some great songs on here like the the title track 'Blue Denim', 'Destiny' 'Rose Garden' 'Just Like A Woman' 'Kick It', & 'Jane'
By itsmissy
One of her best albums!
Love this album
By JoshJones17
Stevie was very vulnerable and wore her heart on her sleeve.
By gatorview
I absolutely love this album and believe it would have sold better had Stevie herself not smack talked it.
Maybe not the best BUT
By 1Eydjax
There are still treasures to be found on this CD. I listened to it over and over and found wisdom, parallels to my life, support, and advice. Docklands, Like a River, Blue Denim, Rose Garden, Kick It, even Jane.
It really is great.
By diamondpop
It seems like I can get into any Stevie Nicks' album. From Bella Donna - Trouble in Shangri-la.
The best songs on this album is:
-Blue Denim
-Street Angel
-Listen to the Rain
-Rose Garden
( Those the only ones I listen to xD )
Take Time To Listen
By nailatixela
Street Angel is the worst selling of Stevie's studio albums, but it's not bad. On the positive side, she came out of the 80s sound by now, and this album is more of a back to basics rock album. There are flaws on this album that are due to her klonopin addiction, and Stevie realizes that herself. But there are still great songs on this album that should not go without listen!
Notable tracks include: Blue Denim, Greta, Love Is Like A River, Maybe Love, Just Like A Woman & Kick It.
Kick It is the best thing on the albumn. Blue Denim & Maybe Love were the singles if you are looking to ease yourself into the album. Rose Garden is one of Stevie's country songs, and was written when she was a teenager.
Such a memorable album to me cause I enjoyed each & every track though I wish that I would've included INSPIRATION & GOD'S GARDEN. I heard INSPIRATION & made me cry with such beautiful lyrics.