Benchmark Soul/Funk
By Vol Mistral
This is one of the most important soul/funk albums of all time. If you don't own it, do yourself a favor and buy it now. Seriously. If you like Betty Davis, Headhunters, etc... well, then you probably already own this too. If not, get on the bus!
Funk 2.0
By jickle
(Thanks in larger part to some great drumming and angular Bass lines) I consider this album Sly's Funk 2.0. It's has a sound repeated only again by the Family Stone on a couple later releases.
By BwanaEast
Even if you never get past the first two tracks, you'll understand why this is a five star recording. Rusty Allen's Bass playing (often believed to be Larry Graham) on If You Want me To Stay and Andy Newmark's drumming throughout are unlike anything that came before or after. Sly's vocal and keyboard playing on If You Want Me to Stay is a career highlight...and that's saying something. As an interesting aside, this is thought to be the first recording ever to use a drum machine, and though it's hard to feel thankful for where that technological "advance" eventually led, this record is a soul/funk tour de force.
By bruisers
One of mine, for sure. Sly at his peak, this disc does not get the credit it derserves in the rock pantheon. Rusty Allen taking over Larry Graham's place on bass superbly...Listen to 'In Time' and Andy Newmark's "backward drums" (as he himself has called that track). Just an unbelieveable mix of tunes, right down to the heroin drawl-like "Que Sera Sera' . Question: I bought a CD of this disc way back when - different mixes (no Sly talking, less Little Sister, horns dropped out of the mix at times). Anybody know about that version? Is the Itunes version the original?
By Chuckdeezul
Sly put his foot in it this time. What a great piece of work. "In Time" is foonky as HELL. My favorite is Que Sera, Sera (Whatever will be, Will be). All I can say is DAMN!
Chuckdeezul O U T!
Cooper Park, Baby'
50 Debevoise Ave.
Sly is a "Wizard"
By KLM Recording
I grew up listening and playing Sly & The Family Stone songs in the early 70's. I guess that makes me sort of old school but not so un-hip. All I have to say is that anyone giving this album lower than 4 stars does not understand how great this album is. One reviewer said it best, listen to the song "In Time". Killing!! You might have to be a true musician to really appreciate Sly's music.
That's the stuff.
By spaced cowboy
One of the most underrated albums of all time. The ultimate soundtrack to making love or getting down. Too bad homeboy up above gave it only 1 star by mistake.
splendidly funkalicious
By ohmarkus
i bought this album wanting to explore the work of sly stone and gang and at first found myself a little disappointed. i was deterred from "riot" by the warnings about poor sound quality. the more i listen to this album, the more it grows on me. more like, creeps up and puts an arm around my shoulder... it's especially seductive with headphones. i like the "single" from this album (although i'm not sure i've ever heard of it getting radio play) and the version of "que sera, sera" seems to me to be the centerpiece. it's kind of like a lull as people are coming and going from the best party you've ever attended. it's the point where sly seems finally too stoned for hardcore groovin', but still groovy enough to make a statement, it's just a little quieter. other standout tracks are "babies makin' babies," "in time" and "i don't know (satisfaction)."
By gdojo
"In time" alone is as funky as it gets